On 10/14/22 08:08, Greg Kurz wrote:

+        need_to_open_file = log_flags && !per_thread;

Pre-existing, but I think this should check log_per_thread instead of per_thread.

+    } else if (filename) {
+        /*
+         * If we are daemonized, we will only log if there is a filename.
+         */
+        need_to_open_file = true;

Slightly nicer:

    } else {
        * If daemonized, always log to the -D file if present.
        need_to_open_file = filename != NULL;

@@ -271,10 +276,22 @@ static bool qemu_set_log_internal(const char *filename, 
bool changed_name,
if (!logfile && need_to_open_file) {
          if (filename) {
-            logfile = fopen(filename, log_append ? "a" : "w");
+            g_autofree char *fname = NULL;
+            /*
+             * If per-thread, filename contains a single %d that should be
+             * converted.
+             */
+            if (per_thread) {
+                fname = g_strdup_printf(filename, getpid());
+            } else {
+                fname = g_strdup(filename);
+            }
+            logfile = fopen(fname, log_append ? "a" : "w");
              if (!logfile) {
                  error_setg_errno(errp, errno, "Error opening logfile %s",
-                                 filename);
+                                 fname);
                  return false;
              /* In case we are a daemon redirect stderr to logfile */

This could conflict with the file opened by qemu_log_trylock() when per-thread logging is enabled *and* QEMU is daemonized. Perhaps something like:

1) change qemu_log_trylock() to

-        if (log_per_thread) {
+        if (log_per_thread && log_thread_id() != getpid()) {

i.e. use the global_file for the main thread

2) change qemu_log_unlock() to

-        if (!log_per_thread) {
+        if (!thread_file) {

to match (1)

3) change log_thread_id() to something like

    static __thread int my_id = -1;
    static int counter;
    if (my_id == -1) {
        my_id = getpid() + qatomic_fetch_inc(&counter);
    return my_id;

and perhaps do a dummy trylock/unlock late in qemu_set_log_internal(), to ensure that the main thread is the one with log_thread_id() == getpid()?

I think this can be a separate patch before this one.


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