From: "Lucas Mateus Castro (alqotel)" <>
to decodetree and use gvec with them. For these one the right shift
had to be made before the sum as to avoid an overflow, so add 1 at the
end if any of the entries had 1 in its LSB as to replicate the "+ 1"
before the shift described by the ISA.

rept    loop    master             patch
8       12500   0,02616600         0,00754200 (-71.2%)
25      4000    0,02530000         0,00637700 (-74.8%)
100     1000    0,02604600         0,00790100 (-69.7%)
500     200     0,03189300         0,01838400 (-42.4%)
2500    40      0,06006900         0,06851000 (+14.1%)
8000    12      0,13941000         0,20548500 (+47.4%)

rept    loop    master             patch
8       12500   0,01818200         0,00780600 (-57.1%)
25      4000    0,01789300         0,00641600 (-64.1%)
100     1000    0,01899100         0,00787200 (-58.5%)
500     200     0,02527200         0,01828400 (-27.7%)
2500    40      0,05361800         0,06773000 (+26.3%)
8000    12      0,12886600         0,20291400 (+57.5%)

rept    loop    master             patch
8       12500   0,01423100         0,00776600 (-45.4%)
25      4000    0,01780800         0,00638600 (-64.1%)
100     1000    0,02085500         0,00787000 (-62.3%)
500     200     0,02737100         0,01828800 (-33.2%)
2500    40      0,05572600         0,06774200 (+21.6%)
8000    12      0,13101700         0,20311600 (+55.0%)

rept    loop    master             patch
8       12500   0,03006000         0,00788600 (-73.8%)
25      4000    0,02882200         0,00637800 (-77.9%)
100     1000    0,02958000         0,00791400 (-73.2%)
500     200     0,03548800         0,01860400 (-47.6%)
2500    40      0,06360000         0,06850800 (+7.7%)
8000    12      0,13816500         0,20550300 (+48.7%)

rept    loop    master             patch
8       12500   0,01965900         0,00776600 (-60.5%)
25      4000    0,01875400         0,00638700 (-65.9%)
100     1000    0,01952200         0,00786900 (-59.7%)
500     200     0,02562000         0,01760300 (-31.3%)
2500    40      0,05384300         0,06742800 (+25.2%)
8000    12      0,13240800         0,20330000 (+53.5%)

rept    loop    master             patch
8       12500   0,01407700         0,00775600 (-44.9%)
25      4000    0,01762300         0,00640000 (-63.7%)
100     1000    0,02046500         0,00788500 (-61.5%)
500     200     0,02745600         0,01843000 (-32.9%)
2500    40      0,05375500         0,06820500 (+26.9%)
8000    12      0,13068300         0,20304900 (+55.4%)

These results to me seems to indicate that with gvec the results have a
slower translation but faster execution.

Signed-off-by: Lucas Mateus Castro (alqotel) <>
Reviewed-by: Richard Henderson <>
 target/ppc/helper.h                 |  12 ++--
 target/ppc/insn32.decode            |   9 +++
 target/ppc/int_helper.c             |  32 ++++-----
 target/ppc/translate/ | 106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 target/ppc/translate/  |   9 +--
 5 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/ppc/helper.h b/target/ppc/helper.h
index a06193bc67..71c22efc2e 100644
--- a/target/ppc/helper.h
+++ b/target/ppc/helper.h
@@ -143,15 +143,15 @@ DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_1(ftsqrt, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG_SE, i32, i64)
 #define dh_ctype_acc ppc_acc_t *
 #define dh_typecode_acc dh_typecode_ptr
-DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_3(vavgub, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr)
-DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_3(vavguh, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr)
-DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_3(vavguw, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr)
+DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_4(VAVGUB, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr, i32)
+DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_4(VAVGUH, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr, i32)
+DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_4(VAVGUW, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr, i32)
 DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_3(vabsdub, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr)
 DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_3(vabsduh, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr)
 DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_3(vabsduw, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr)
-DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_3(vavgsb, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr)
-DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_3(vavgsh, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr)
-DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_3(vavgsw, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr)
+DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_4(VAVGSB, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr, i32)
+DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_4(VAVGSH, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr, i32)
+DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_4(VAVGSW, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, void, avr, avr, avr, i32)
 DEF_HELPER_4(vcmpeqfp, void, env, avr, avr, avr)
 DEF_HELPER_4(vcmpgefp, void, env, avr, avr, avr)
 DEF_HELPER_4(vcmpgtfp, void, env, avr, avr, avr)
diff --git a/target/ppc/insn32.decode b/target/ppc/insn32.decode
index aa4968e6b9..38458c01de 100644
--- a/target/ppc/insn32.decode
+++ b/target/ppc/insn32.decode
@@ -519,6 +519,15 @@ VCMPNEZW        000100 ..... ..... ..... . 0110000111   @VC
 VCMPSQ          000100 ... -- ..... ..... 00101000001   @VX_bf
 VCMPUQ          000100 ... -- ..... ..... 00100000001   @VX_bf
+## Vector Integer Average Instructions
+VAVGSB          000100 ..... ..... ..... 10100000010    @VX
+VAVGSH          000100 ..... ..... ..... 10101000010    @VX
+VAVGSW          000100 ..... ..... ..... 10110000010    @VX
+VAVGUB          000100 ..... ..... ..... 10000000010    @VX
+VAVGUH          000100 ..... ..... ..... 10001000010    @VX
+VAVGUW          000100 ..... ..... ..... 10010000010    @VX
 ## Vector Bit Manipulation Instruction
 VGNB            000100 ..... -- ... ..... 10011001100   @VX_n
diff --git a/target/ppc/int_helper.c b/target/ppc/int_helper.c
index c6ce4665fa..bda76e54d4 100644
--- a/target/ppc/int_helper.c
+++ b/target/ppc/int_helper.c
@@ -570,25 +570,23 @@ VARITHSAT_UNSIGNED(w, u32, uint64_t, cvtsduw)
-#define VAVG_DO(name, element, etype)                                   \
-    void helper_v##name(ppc_avr_t *r, ppc_avr_t *a, ppc_avr_t *b)       \
-    {                                                                   \
-        int i;                                                          \
-                                                                        \
-        for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(r->element); i++) {                  \
-            etype x = (etype)a->element[i] + (etype)b->element[i] + 1;  \
-            r->element[i] = x >> 1;                                     \
-        }                                                               \
+#define VAVG(name, element, etype)                                          \
+    void helper_##name(ppc_avr_t *r, ppc_avr_t *a, ppc_avr_t *b, uint32_t v)\
+    {                                                                       \
+        int i;                                                              \
+                                                                            \
+        for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(r->element); i++) {                      \
+            etype x = (etype)a->element[i] + (etype)b->element[i] + 1;      \
+            r->element[i] = x >> 1;                                         \
+        }                                                                   \
-#define VAVG(type, signed_element, signed_type, unsigned_element,       \
-             unsigned_type)                                             \
-    VAVG_DO(avgs##type, signed_element, signed_type)                    \
-    VAVG_DO(avgu##type, unsigned_element, unsigned_type)
-VAVG(b, s8, int16_t, u8, uint16_t)
-VAVG(h, s16, int32_t, u16, uint32_t)
-VAVG(w, s32, int64_t, u32, uint64_t)
-#undef VAVG_DO
+VAVG(VAVGSB, s8, int16_t)
+VAVG(VAVGUB, u8, uint16_t)
+VAVG(VAVGSH, s16, int32_t)
+VAVG(VAVGUH, u16, uint32_t)
+VAVG(VAVGSW, s32, int64_t)
+VAVG(VAVGUW, u32, uint64_t)
 #undef VAVG
 #define VABSDU_DO(name, element)                                        \
diff --git a/target/ppc/translate/ 
index 23601942bc..1e3e099739 100644
--- a/target/ppc/translate/
+++ b/target/ppc/translate/
@@ -431,21 +431,9 @@ GEN_VXFORM_V(vminsb, MO_8, tcg_gen_gvec_smin, 1, 12);
 GEN_VXFORM_V(vminsh, MO_16, tcg_gen_gvec_smin, 1, 13);
 GEN_VXFORM_V(vminsw, MO_32, tcg_gen_gvec_smin, 1, 14);
 GEN_VXFORM_V(vminsd, MO_64, tcg_gen_gvec_smin, 1, 15);
-GEN_VXFORM(vavgub, 1, 16);
 GEN_VXFORM(vabsdub, 1, 16);
-                vabsdub, PPC_NONE, PPC2_ISA300)
-GEN_VXFORM(vavguh, 1, 17);
 GEN_VXFORM(vabsduh, 1, 17);
-                vabsduh, PPC_NONE, PPC2_ISA300)
-GEN_VXFORM(vavguw, 1, 18);
 GEN_VXFORM(vabsduw, 1, 18);
-                vabsduw, PPC_NONE, PPC2_ISA300)
-GEN_VXFORM(vavgsb, 1, 20);
-GEN_VXFORM(vavgsh, 1, 21);
-GEN_VXFORM(vavgsw, 1, 22);
 GEN_VXFORM(vmrghb, 6, 0);
 GEN_VXFORM(vmrghh, 6, 1);
 GEN_VXFORM(vmrghw, 6, 2);
@@ -3385,6 +3373,100 @@ TRANS(VMULHSD, do_vx_mulh, true , do_vx_vmulhd_i64)
 TRANS(VMULHUW, do_vx_mulh, false, do_vx_vmulhw_i64)
 TRANS(VMULHUD, do_vx_mulh, false, do_vx_vmulhd_i64)
+static void do_vavg(unsigned vece, TCGv_vec t, TCGv_vec a, TCGv_vec b,
+                    void (*gen_shr_vec)(unsigned, TCGv_vec, TCGv_vec, int64_t))
+    TCGv_vec tmp = tcg_temp_new_vec_matching(t);
+    tcg_gen_or_vec(vece, tmp, a, b);
+    tcg_gen_and_vec(vece, tmp, tmp, tcg_constant_vec_matching(t, vece, 1));
+    gen_shr_vec(vece, a, a, 1);
+    gen_shr_vec(vece, b, b, 1);
+    tcg_gen_add_vec(vece, t, a, b);
+    tcg_gen_add_vec(vece, t, t, tmp);
+    tcg_temp_free_vec(tmp);
+static void gen_vavgu(unsigned vece, TCGv_vec t, TCGv_vec a, TCGv_vec b)
+    do_vavg(vece, t, a, b, tcg_gen_shri_vec);
+static void gen_vavgs(unsigned vece, TCGv_vec t, TCGv_vec a, TCGv_vec b)
+    do_vavg(vece, t, a, b, tcg_gen_sari_vec);
+static bool do_vx_vavg(DisasContext *ctx, arg_VX *a, int sign, int vece)
+    static const TCGOpcode vecop_list_s[] = {
+        INDEX_op_add_vec, INDEX_op_sari_vec, 0
+    };
+    static const TCGOpcode vecop_list_u[] = {
+        INDEX_op_add_vec, INDEX_op_shri_vec, 0
+    };
+    static const GVecGen3 op[2][3] = {
+        {
+            {
+                .fniv = gen_vavgu,
+                .fno = gen_helper_VAVGUB,
+                .opt_opc = vecop_list_u,
+                .vece = MO_8
+            },
+            {
+                .fniv = gen_vavgu,
+                .fno = gen_helper_VAVGUH,
+                .opt_opc = vecop_list_u,
+                .vece = MO_16
+            },
+            {
+                .fniv = gen_vavgu,
+                .fno = gen_helper_VAVGUW,
+                .opt_opc = vecop_list_u,
+                .vece = MO_32
+            },
+        },
+        {
+            {
+                .fniv = gen_vavgs,
+                .fno = gen_helper_VAVGSB,
+                .opt_opc = vecop_list_s,
+                .vece = MO_8
+            },
+            {
+                .fniv = gen_vavgs,
+                .fno = gen_helper_VAVGSH,
+                .opt_opc = vecop_list_s,
+                .vece = MO_16
+            },
+            {
+                .fniv = gen_vavgs,
+                .fno = gen_helper_VAVGSW,
+                .opt_opc = vecop_list_s,
+                .vece = MO_32
+            },
+        },
+    };
+    tcg_gen_gvec_3(avr_full_offset(a->vrt), avr_full_offset(a->vra),
+                   avr_full_offset(a->vrb), 16, 16, &op[sign][vece]);
+    return true;
+TRANS_FLAGS(ALTIVEC, VAVGSB, do_vx_vavg, 1, MO_8)
+TRANS_FLAGS(ALTIVEC, VAVGSH, do_vx_vavg, 1, MO_16)
+TRANS_FLAGS(ALTIVEC, VAVGSW, do_vx_vavg, 1, MO_32)
+TRANS_FLAGS(ALTIVEC, VAVGUB, do_vx_vavg, 0, MO_8)
+TRANS_FLAGS(ALTIVEC, VAVGUH, do_vx_vavg, 0, MO_16)
+TRANS_FLAGS(ALTIVEC, VAVGUW, do_vx_vavg, 0, MO_32)
 static bool do_vdiv_vmod(DisasContext *ctx, arg_VX *a, const int vece,
                          void (*func_32)(TCGv_i32 t, TCGv_i32 a, TCGv_i32 b),
                          void (*func_64)(TCGv_i64 t, TCGv_i64 a, TCGv_i64 b))
diff --git a/target/ppc/translate/ 
index 46a620a232..02db51def0 100644
--- a/target/ppc/translate/
+++ b/target/ppc/translate/
@@ -83,12 +83,9 @@ GEN_VXFORM(vminsb, 1, 12),
 GEN_VXFORM(vminsh, 1, 13),
 GEN_VXFORM(vminsw, 1, 14),
 GEN_VXFORM_207(vminsd, 1, 15),
-GEN_VXFORM_DUAL(vavgub, vabsdub, 1, 16, PPC_ALTIVEC, PPC_NONE),
-GEN_VXFORM_DUAL(vavguh, vabsduh, 1, 17, PPC_ALTIVEC, PPC_NONE),
-GEN_VXFORM_DUAL(vavguw, vabsduw, 1, 18, PPC_ALTIVEC, PPC_NONE),
-GEN_VXFORM(vavgsb, 1, 20),
-GEN_VXFORM(vavgsh, 1, 21),
-GEN_VXFORM(vavgsw, 1, 22),
+GEN_VXFORM(vabsdub, 1, 16),
+GEN_VXFORM(vabsduh, 1, 17),
+GEN_VXFORM(vabsduw, 1, 18),
 GEN_VXFORM(vmrghb, 6, 0),
 GEN_VXFORM(vmrghh, 6, 1),
 GEN_VXFORM(vmrghw, 6, 2),

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