Thanks for spotting the typo!
It should be "q35".

On 9/27/22 16:00, Thomas Huth wrote:
On 20/09/2022 12.48, Michael Labiuk wrote:
Signed-off-by: Michael Labiuk <>
diff --git a/tests/qtest/hd-geo-test.c b/tests/qtest/hd-geo-test.c
index 413cf964c0..58b1107d64 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/hd-geo-test.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/hd-geo-test.c
@@ -799,7 +857,23 @@ static void test_override_virtio_blk(void)
      add_drive_with_mbr(args, empty_mbr, 1);
      add_virtio_disk(args, 0, "pci.0", 3, 10000, 120, 30);
      add_virtio_disk(args, 1, "pci.0", 4, 9000, 120, 30);
-    test_override(args, expected);
+    test_override(args, "pc", expected);
+static void test_override_virtio_blk_q35(void)
+    TestArgs *args = create_args();
+    CHSResult expected[] = {
+        {"/pci@i0cf8/pci-bridge@2/scsi@3/disk@0,0", {10000, 120, 30} },
+        {"/pci@i0cf8/pci-bridge@2/scsi@4/disk@0,0", {9000, 120, 30} },
+        {NULL, {0, 0, 0} }
+    };
+    add_drive_with_mbr(args, empty_mbr, 1);
+    add_drive_with_mbr(args, empty_mbr, 1);
+    setup_pci_bridge(args, "pcie.0", "br");
+    add_virtio_disk(args, 0, "br", 3, 10000, 120, 30);
+    add_virtio_disk(args, 1, "br", 4, 9000, 120, 30);
+    test_override(args, "pc", expected);

Shouldn't that use "q35" as machine instead?


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