On 9/23/22 21:47, Lucas Mateus Castro(alqotel) wrote:
From: "Lucas Mateus Castro (alqotel)"<lucas.ara...@eldorado.org.br>

Moved VABSDUB, VABSDUH and VABSDUW to decodetree and use gvec to
translate them.

rept    loop    master             patch
8       12500   0,03601600         0,00688500 (-80.9%)
25      4000    0,03651000         0,00532100 (-85.4%)
100     1000    0,03666900         0,00595300 (-83.8%)
500     200     0,04305800         0,01244600 (-71.1%)
2500    40      0,06893300         0,04273700 (-38.0%)
8000    12      0,14633200         0,12660300 (-13.5%)

rept    loop    master             patch
8       12500   0,02172400         0,00687500 (-68.4%)
25      4000    0,02154100         0,00531500 (-75.3%)
100     1000    0,02235400         0,00596300 (-73.3%)
500     200     0,02827500         0,01245100 (-56.0%)
2500    40      0,05638400         0,04285500 (-24.0%)
8000    12      0,13166000         0,12641400 (-4.0%)

rept    loop    master             patch
8       12500   0,01646400         0,00688300 (-58.2%)
25      4000    0,01454500         0,00475500 (-67.3%)
100     1000    0,01545800         0,00511800 (-66.9%)
500     200     0,02168200         0,01114300 (-48.6%)
2500    40      0,04571300         0,04138800 (-9.5%)
8000    12      0,12209500         0,12178500 (-0.3%)

Same as VADDCUW and VSUBCUW, overall performance gain but it uses more
TCGop (4 before the patch, 6 after).

Signed-off-by: Lucas Mateus Castro (alqotel)<lucas.ara...@eldorado.org.br>
  target/ppc/helper.h                 |  6 ++--
  target/ppc/insn32.decode            |  6 ++++
  target/ppc/int_helper.c             | 13 +++-----
  target/ppc/translate/vmx-impl.c.inc | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
  target/ppc/translate/vmx-ops.c.inc  |  3 --
  5 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

Reviewed-by: Richard Henderson <richard.hender...@linaro.org>


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