This patchset adds a host power device and added it into the g220a
mahcine. The BMC have a important is to control the power of the host,
usually it is nessary in a hardware platform.

The BMC(soc) usually had a output pin to control the power of the host,
and a input pin to get the power status of the host.

The host power device is a generic device to simulate the host power,
accept the power control command from the BMC and report the power

Test on the g220a machine, the host power control command can be simply

Jian Zhang (3):
  hw/gpio/aspeed_gpio: Add gpios in/out init
  hw/misc/host_power: Add a simple host power device
  hw/arm/aspeed: g220a: Add host-power device

 MAINTAINERS                  |   2 +
 hw/arm/Kconfig               |   1 +
 hw/arm/aspeed.c              |  19 +++++++
 hw/gpio/aspeed_gpio.c        |  17 ++++++
 hw/misc/Kconfig              |   3 +
 hw/misc/host_power.c         | 105 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hw/misc/          |   1 +
 include/hw/misc/host_power.h |  41 ++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 189 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 hw/misc/host_power.c
 create mode 100644 include/hw/misc/host_power.h


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