
Am 23.12.2011 13:44, schrieb Reed Kotler:
> We have been seeing various problems running qemu for MIPS target on
> Centos 5.
> We are running linux user mode programs.
> Qemu segfaults.
> We recently tried upgrading to Centos 6 and the problem there is much
> worse, making it basically unusable.
> The same programs have no problem when running on Ubuntu.

They likely are using different QEMU versions, and distros may have
different patches applied on top.
Please provide some more info on what version, what ABI (which
executable), what -cpu parameter (if any), etc. you are using. Does a
gdb backtrace indicate any QEMU function or is it from translated code?

For n64 there were some patches in need of testing, review and fixing.
[cc'ing Khansa]

For n32 there's signal handling missing. (openSUSE for one ignores the
build warning and provides it non the less.)

No known issues specific to o32 that I'm aware of, but the two Richards
had patches for some instructions. Shouldn't lead to segfaults though.


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