I've been trying for several days now to get my OEM copy of Windows XP to pre-activate properly in Qemu-kvm.  I saw the instructions for patching the seabios here:

That seems to have worked as expected.  When I boot, it shows the newly compiled BIOS, but Windows fails to detect the SLIC codes which I copied from my working Dell system as per the instructions.  My research so far has turned up the existence of multiple versions of SLP/SLIC which I think may account for this.

Can anyone confirm what version of SLP the patch posted to this list is effective at emulating?  Is there an easy way to modify the patch to support a different version of SLP?

I've installed several low level BIOS scanning tools in the VM to troubleshoot and gather information.  None of the tools I've used (OEMSCAN, Oembios) show a valid SLP 1.0 OEM data in the BIOS/RAM.  But another tool (ReadWrite) shows a valid Dell SLP 2.0 signature.  This leads me to believe that either I didn't copy the right SLIC information from my Dell PC or the patch is set up to create SLP 2.0 and not 1.0.

Any advice or help would be appreciated.


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