On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 01:23:27PM -0700, Dongwon Kim wrote:
> New integer array parameter, 'monitor' is for specifying the target
> displays where individual QEMU windows are placed upon launching.
> The array contains a series of numbers representing the monitor where
> QEMU windows are placed.
> Numbers in the array are mapped to QEMU windows like,
> [1st detached window, 2nd detached window,.... Main window]
> Usage example: -display gtk,monitor.0=0,monitor.1=1.....

Both patches look good to me.  

> +# @monitor:     Array of numbers, each of which represents physical
> +#               monitor where individual QEMU window is placed in case
> +#               there are multiple of them
> +#               since 7.1
>  #
>  # Since: 2.12
>  ##
>  { 'struct'  : 'DisplayGTK',
>    'data'    : { '*grab-on-hover' : 'bool',
> -                '*zoom-to-fit'   : 'bool'  } }
> +                '*zoom-to-fit'   : 'bool',
> +                '*monitor'       : ['uint16']  } }

This is what we've agreed to, so I guess this is fine with the QAPI
maintainers too?  Can I have an ack then?


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