On 5/26/22 16:34, John Snow wrote:
(1) If check is engaged without running check-venv first and iotests creates its own venv, the python binary it uses will be whichever one is your system default, not necessarily the one you configured your build with.

This is reasonable behavior IMO, but if you later run "make check", there's no guarantee that Make will re-make the venv with the correct python binary  That's a subtle landmine.

Yup, that's also a reason to make initial venv creation part of configure. I consider that on the same level as running Meson and setting up git submodules.

(2) Similarly, if the venv requirements.txt (or python/setup.cfg) change, iotests doesn't have the logic to notice it ought to re-make the venv. Only the makefile does. However, at least in this case, the makefile is guaranteed to notice if/when we run "check block" again. The odds of these files changing for most people who aren't *me* are pretty low, so it may not really come up much. Still, it's not bullet-proof.

Yeah, this is fine. Compare it with e.g. running clang-query: it needs a "make" first to rebuild compile_commands.json.


(Bonus not-at-all-subtle problem) I need to remove iotest 297, otherwise iotests under a venv that doesn't install mypy/pylint will never run. I discussed this upstream recently w/ Kevin, but my series to address it isn't ready yet. (Just pre-emptively pointing it out to say I'm aware of it!)

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