Hi QEMU dev Virt Manager is able to configure a QEMU VM with more CPU sockets than the physical host has. For example, in the below VM, when I request 16 vCPU cores, by default it takes as 16 Sockets with 1 core each. The host itself has only 2 Sockets.
1. How does QEMU allow this and how the VM works? 2. What is the recommended configuration of Sockets/Cores/Threads for best VM performance of a 16 core VM running on a 2 sockets host ? [cid:image004.png@01D86A09.7CC42970] regards, Rajesh A Engineering Media Movement Media Services Direct +91 44 66674575 | Mobile +91 9043011101 | IP 564575 rajes...@tatacommunications.com<mailto:rajes...@tatacommunications.com> [cid:image002.jpg@01D86A08.A4FDF8E0] <http://tatacommunications.com/> www.tatacommunications.com<http://www.tatacommunications.com/> [cid:image003.jpg@01D86A08.A4FDF8E0]<https://twitter.com/#!/tata_comm> @tata_comm<https://twitter.com/#!/tata_comm>