On 12/05/2011 03:52 AM, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
On 12/04/2011 10:01 PM, Anthony Liguori wrote:

I've begun the work of introducing proper inheritance. There's a
lot going on but the basic idea is:

1) introduce QOM base type (Object), make qdev inherit from it

2) create a dynamic typeinfo based DeviceInfo, make device class
point to deviceinfo

3) model qdev hierarchy in QOM

4) starting from the bottom of the hierarchy, remove DeviceInfo
subclass and push that functionality into QOM classes

Ok, now we're talking. I looked at the SCSI bits and it looks
sane---though I still don't understand your loathe for static
initializers (which also causes a lot of code churn).

It's to support method inheritance. In qdev, the various DeviceInfo structures correspond roughly to the class of the object. When you create an ISADeviceInfo (the ISA subclass), you declare it statically.

Any methods you aren't overriding are going to be initialized to zero. You want those methods to inherit their values from the base class. To do this in qdev, you have to introduce a base-class specific registration function (isa_qdev_register).

There's not a lot of discipline in how these functions are implemented and generally makes type registration more complicated as you have to understand what methods get overridden.

What QOM does (GObject does this too) is use a function to override methods. I agree that it's not as pretty, but it means you can just memcpy() the parent class' contents into the derived class. This makes inheritance much cleaner and also means you can register all types through a single interface.

You can see this refactoring happening in that branch. I'm slowly getting rid of all of the DeviceInfo derivatives. Once everything is using DeviceInfo directly, then I'll replace DeviceInfo with TypeInfo. This is going to be the biggest single change in the QOM conversion. It's going to have to be done by a script.

Getting rid of SysBusInfo will probably also require a script.

I do want to get rid of qdev busses but I'm in no rush at all. We
can do 95% of the necessary refactoring without touching busses and
hot plug and I think that's the right strategy.

Yes, as long as you have a plan for them. Some of the buses have data
so they will have to become objects of their own, with a bidirectional
link between them and the parent device. (Because I'm not going to
write code like this for each HBA:

void lsi_set_unit_attention(Device *dev, SCSISense sense)
LSIDevice *lsi = LSI_DEVICE(dev);
lsi->unit_attention = sense;

No, I'm not. Over my dead body).

Yes, my current plan is to make buses interfaces which means you would need to have getters/setters for state. Yes, I know that can get ugly quickly.

But this comes down to refactoring the bus interfaces I think. I honestly can't tell you how I would handle this cleaner without sitting down and thinking about the SCSI bus interface.

Generally speaking, accessors are a very good thing. It makes code much easier to refactor and you'll notice that a lot of my refactoring patches start by adding accessors/wrapper functions that probably should have been there since day one.

But I agree, we don't want to end up with something where you add 10 lines instead of one line.

Right now I can hardly understand how the composition tree will
work, for example: how do you constrain children to be subclasses
of some class (or to implement some interface)?

Composition never involves subclasses. The tree I point you to above
is about as complete as it can be right now without doing more qdev
conversions. It should answer all of your questions re: composition.

All except one: why can't child (and link too IIRC) properties be created with a
NULL value?

links are nullable and usually start out as NULL.

childs are not nullable. I can't really think of a reason why they should be nullable. What are you thinking here?

And how do they? How much code churn does that entail, in the
devices and in general? In fact, why do they need conversion at
all? Static properties are special enough to warrant something

They can stay around forever (or until someone needs non-static
properties) but I strongly suspect that we'll get rid of most of them
as part of refactoring.

An awful lot of properties deal with connecting to back ends and/or
bus addressing. None of that will be needed anymore.

True for PCI, but what about ISA or MMIO devices? They do their own
address/IRQ decoding. You don't see those properties in many cases
because they're hidden beneath sysbus magic, but there are hundreds.

I've thought a lot about bus properties. I've looked at a lot of code at this point and for the most part, I think that the reason they even exist is because we can't inherit a default set of properties.

SCSI is a good example. The bus properties really make more sense as SCSIDevice properties that are inherited.

I dislike these properties in the first place, but I'd like to find a way to convert everything to the QOM type system before we start rearchitecting how hotplug works.

Let's write documentation on that already.

I have written lots of documentation. Just take a look at the wiki.

It's down. :(

It's up now.

Once the type is written as child<RTCState>, you've lost all info
on it. Each property type should have its own representation for
types (it can be implicit, or it can be an enum, or it can be a
DeviceInfo), with a method to pretty-print it.

I don't know what you mean by "lost all info on it" but I'm strongly
opposed to a "pretty-print" method. Having the pretty printing
information in the type is almost never what you want.

I agree---I was talking about pretty-printing *the type itself*. The
type falls outside the visitor model, which is only concerned about the

You may find it odd to hear me say this, but I grow weary of
adding too much class hierarchy and inheritance with properties.
Yes, we could make it very sophisticated but in practice it
doesn't have to be. Properties should be one of two things:
primitive types or link/childs.

... and interfaces. Accessing them by name as a property should
work well.

No, not interfaces. The object *is-a* interface. It doesn't has-a

We've gone through this debate multiple times.

You misunderstood (and I wasn't clear enough).

The is-a/has-a debate is indeed settled for things such as PCI-ness
where we'll keep the current three-level class hierarchy (two abstract,
one concrete):

... concrete PCI devices ...
... concrete ISA devices ...

The problem is that, in addition to the is-a class hierarchy, you have
the interface hierarchy. Here, C-level struct "inheritance" does not
help you because you do not have a fixed place for the vtable. So, for
example, instead of

struct SCSIBusInfo {
.command_complete = lsi_command_complete,

I'll have something like this:

Interface *interface;
SCSIBusIface *sbi;
interface = qdev_add_interface(&dev->qdev, TYPE_SCSI_BUS_INTERFACE);
sbi = SCSI_BUS_INTERFACE(interface);
sbi->command_complete = lsi_command_complete;

Right? Then I create the SCSIBus object with something as simple as:

struct LSIDevice {
SCSIBus *bus;

dev->bus = scsi_bus_new(&dev->qdev);

and scsi_bus_new will do something like

Interface *interface;
interface = qdev_get_interface(dev, TYPE_SCSI_BUS_INTERFACE);
scsi_bus->sbi = SCSI_BUS_INTERFACE(interface);

No, you would do:

struct SCSIBus {
   Interface parent;
   void (*command_complete)(SCSIBus *bus, SCSIRequest *req);

TypeInfo scsi_bus_info = {
   .name = TYPE_SCSI_BUS,
   .parent = TYPE_INTERFACE,



struct LSIDevice {
    PCIDevice parent;

static void lsi_command_complete(SCSIBus *bus, SCSIRequest *req)
   LSIDevice *dev = LSI_DEVICE(bus);

static void lsi_scsi_bus_initfn(Interface *iface)
   SCSIBus *bus = SCSI_BUS(iface);

   bus->command_complete = lsi_command_complete;

TypeInfo lsi_device_info = {
  .name = TYPE_LSI,
  .parent = TYPE_PCI_DEVICE,
  .interfaces = (Interface[]){
        .name = TYPE_SCSI_BUS,
        .interface_initfn = lsi_scsi_bus_initfn,
     }, {


Perhaps hidden with some macro that lets me just write
SCSI_BUS_INTERFACE(dev), but that's the idea; such a lookup function is
pretty much what all object models do. GObject has

If I understood everything so far, then here is my question. Are
interfaces properties?

No.  A device is-a interface.  Hopefully the above example will make it more 

I'm starting to understand now that the answer
is probably "no because interfaces have nothing to do with visitors",
and that's fine. Then I suppose you'll have another list to lookup
besides properties, no problem with that.

Yes, there's a list of interfaces embedded in the Object type.

This is where qdev goes very wrong. It mixes up user interface
details (how to format an integer on the command line) with
implementation details. There's no reason we should be indicating
whether a property should be display in hex or decimal in the
device itself.

That's totally true. But there's no reason why qdev properties
cannot be split in two parts, a sane one and a legacy one.

Bingo! Hence, the 'legacy<>' namespace. If you want to do a
declare, struct member based syntax that encodes/decodes as primitive
types to a Visitor, be my guest

That's not what I meant. The legacy<> namespace splits the set of QOM
properties in two parts, sane ones and legacy ones. That's wrong,
because the old broken interface remains there. Worse, it remains
there as user-visible API in the JSON etc., and it will remain forever since we
cannot get rid of -device overnight.

What I suggested is to provide two implementations for each old-style
property: an old string-based one (used for -device etc.) and a modern
visitor-based one (used for qom_*). In other words, old-style
properties would expose both a print/parse legacy interface, and a sane
get/set visitor interface. No need for a legacy<> namespace, because
new-style consumers would not see the old-style string ABI.

Yeah, I'd like to do something like this but I'm in no rush. I agree that when we declare QOM as a supported interface, we should have replacements for anything that's in the legacy<> space. That may be from some magic Property tricks where we introduce Visitor to parse/print or because we introduce new and improved properties.

Maybe now is the right time to rename the legacy properties to all be prefixed with qdev-? That way we don't need to introduce two different types for a single property.


Anthony Liguori

I was thinking of one-off types such as rtc's struct tm.

I'd really like to get to a point where these type visitors were
being generated.

Yeah, long term that'd be great.


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