Generation with widl needs to be triggered explicitly and requires
library and include directories containing referenced *.idl and *.tlb
as parameters.
Signed-off-by: Helge Konetzka <>

For tested Msys2 build all referenced resources reside in /<usr>/include.
Msys2 provides its flavours in different /<usr> bases.

This patch derives the missing include directory path from widl path.
Assuming the given widl path is /<usr>/bin/widl, it determines /<usr>
as base and appends /<usr>/include as include and library directories
to widl command. This way the directory is correct for any Msys2
It makes sure, only existing directories are appended as parameter.

 qga/vss-win32/ | 11 +++++++++--
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/qga/vss-win32/ b/qga/vss-win32/
index 71c50d0866..51539a582c 100644
--- a/qga/vss-win32/
+++ b/qga/vss-win32/
@@ -30,9 +30,16 @@ if midl.found()
                           input: 'qga-vss.idl',
                           output: 'qga-vss.tlb',
                           command: [midl, '@INPUT@', '/tlb', '@OUTPUT@'])
+elif widl.found()
+  widl_cmd = [widl, '-t', '@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@']
+  usr_include = fs.parent(fs.parent(widl.full_path()))/'include'
+  if fs.is_dir(usr_include)
+    widl_cmd += ['-L', usr_include]
+    widl_cmd += ['-I', usr_include]
+  endif
   gen_tlb = custom_target('gen-tlb',
                           input: 'qga-vss.idl',
                           output: 'qga-vss.tlb',
- command: [widl, '-t', '@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@'])
+                          build_by_default: true,
+                          command: widl_cmd)

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