
>> A remaining item is to test this setup
>> with the KVM stuff, but it should be a minor thing as long as the
>> kernel headers for KVM/ARM can be integrated with the build process
>> somehow. (Or is there an alternative?).
> Ah, kernel headers, good point. QEMU now carries the KVM kernel
> headers in its own git tree (this has changed since the QEMU version
> you based your original kvm patches on, I think). So we'll have
> to carry the ARM header changes in qemu-linaro too (I think).
> I guess that should be OK, presumably we won't be revising the
> kernel-userspace ABI at a rate of knots. (when the headers get
> upstream in the kernel upstream qemu can update to get them from
> there and we can drop the temporary copies in qemu-linaro).
> [that's kind of off-the-top-of-my-head, yell if it sounds lunatic.]

sounds good to me.

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