On Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 10:32:01AM +0100, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> +// ------------------------
> +
> +// CoroutineFn does not even need anything more than what
> +// BaseCoroutine provides, so it's just a type alias.  The magic
> +// is all in ValuePromise<T>.
> +//
> +// Suspended CoroutineFns are chained between themselves.  Whenever a
> +// coroutine is suspended, all those that have done a co_await are
> +// also suspended, and whenever a coroutine finishes, it has to
> +// check if its parent can now be resumed.
> +//
> +// The two auxiliary classes Awaiter and ResumeAndFinish take
> +// care of the two sides of this.  Awaiter's await_suspend() stores
> +// the parent coroutine into ValuePromise; ResumeAndFinish's runs
> +// after a coroutine returns, and resumes the parent coroutine.
> +
> +template<typename T> struct ValuePromise;
> +template<typename T>
> +using CoroutineFn = BaseCoroutine<ValuePromise<T>>;
> +
> +typedef CoroutineFn<void> CoroutineFunc(void *);

CoroutineFunc looks like a coroutine entry point function. If that's
correct then I suggest naming it CoroutineEntryFunc to avoid confusion
between CoroutineFn vs CoroutineFunc (their names are too similar).

Also, where is CoroutineFunc used?

> +// The actu promises, respectively for non-void and void types.


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