I am trying to share devices between vm's. For example I want to use a 
cdrom-drive who is exposed to a vm from another vm over the network.
In addition to this I want to use virtio for this idea.
What I am trying to do step by step:
1.      If virtqueue_pop is called on the KVM 2 I take the iovec structure 
2.      I send it over to the KVM 1
3.      KVM 1 put it into the own virtqueue_pop
4.      KVM 1 wait for virtqueue_push
5.      KVM 1 take the information from virtqueue_push
6.      KVM 1 send it over to KVM 2
7.      KVM 2 put it into the virtqueue push

                 |                      |                    |                  
                 |        KVM 1         |                    |       KVM 2      
                 |                      |                    |                  
                 |                      |                    |                  
                   |      |    |                                       | |      
                   |      |    |                                       | |      
                   |      |    |                                       | |      
                   |    /--------\<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<</-----\    
 First virtqueue   |    |        |  TCP/IP Connection                |     |  
Second Virtqueue
                   |    |        |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|     |    
                   |     \-------/                                   \_____/    
                   |        | |                                                 
                   |        | |                             
                 -----------------------                    |                   
                 |                     |                    |                   
                 |                     |                    |                   
                 |     Host 1          |                    |                   
                 |                     |                    |       Host 2      
                 |______               |                    |                   
                 |      |              |                    |                   
                 | CDROM|              |                    |                   

I tried it already slightly different by stopping KVM 1 and only waiting for 
request of KVM 2 but there are some problems with the iovec buffer address I am 
not able to use as a address of the buffer.
Has somebody experience with that or an idea of doing this maybe in a more 
smarter way or is it generally possible to do that?
Thank you for your help

David Leib
SAP Research Belfast
SAP (UK) Limited   I   The Concourse   I   Queen's Road   I   Queen's Island   
I   Belfast BT3 9DT

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