We don't generate trace events for tests/ and qga/ because that it is
not simple and not necessary. We have corresponding comments in both
tests/meson.build and qga/meson.build.

Still to not miss possible future qapi code generation call, and not to
forget to enable trace events generation, let's enable it by default.
So, turn option --gen-trace into opposite --no-trace-events and use new
option only in tests/ and qga/ where we already have good comments why
we don't generate trace events code.

Note that this commit enables trace-events generation for qapi-gen.py
call from tests/qapi-schema/meson.build and storage-daemon/meson.build.
Still, both are kind of noop: tests/qapi-schema/ doesn't seem to
generate any QMP command code and no .trace-events files anyway,
storage-daemon/ uses common QMP command implementations and just
generate empty .trace-events

Signed-off-by: Vladimir Sementsov-Ogievskiy <vsement...@virtuozzo.com>
 qapi/meson.build     | 2 +-
 qga/meson.build      | 3 ++-
 scripts/qapi/main.py | 6 +++---
 tests/meson.build    | 3 ++-
 4 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/qapi/meson.build b/qapi/meson.build
index b22558ca73..656ef0e039 100644
--- a/qapi/meson.build
+++ b/qapi/meson.build
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ endforeach
 qapi_files = custom_target('shared QAPI source files',
   output: qapi_util_outputs + qapi_specific_outputs + qapi_nonmodule_outputs,
   input: [ files('qapi-schema.json') ],
-  command: [ qapi_gen, '-o', 'qapi', '-b', '@INPUT0@', '--gen-trace' ],
+  command: [ qapi_gen, '-o', 'qapi', '-b', '@INPUT0@' ],
   depend_files: [ qapi_inputs, qapi_gen_depends ])
 # Now go through all the outputs and add them to the right sourceset.
diff --git a/qga/meson.build b/qga/meson.build
index 79fcf91751..1f2818a1b9 100644
--- a/qga/meson.build
+++ b/qga/meson.build
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ qga_qapi_outputs = [
 qga_qapi_files = custom_target('QGA QAPI files',
                                output: qga_qapi_outputs,
                                input: 'qapi-schema.json',
-                               command: [ qapi_gen, '-o', 'qga', '-p', 'qga-', 
'@INPUT0@' ],
+                               command: [ qapi_gen, '-o', 'qga', '-p', 'qga-', 
+                                          '--no-trace-events' ],
                                depend_files: qapi_gen_depends)
 qga_ss = ss.source_set()
diff --git a/scripts/qapi/main.py b/scripts/qapi/main.py
index ecff41910c..ca1737aa2b 100644
--- a/scripts/qapi/main.py
+++ b/scripts/qapi/main.py
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ def main() -> int:
     parser.add_argument('-u', '--unmask-non-abi-names', action='store_true',
                         help="expose non-ABI names in introspection")
-    parser.add_argument('--gen-trace', action='store_true',
-                        help="add trace events to qmp marshals")
+    parser.add_argument('--no-trace-events', action='store_true',
+                        help="suppress adding trace events to qmp marshals")
     parser.add_argument('schema', action='store')
     args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def main() -> int:
-                 gen_trace_events=args.gen_trace)
+                 gen_trace_events=not args.no_trace_events)
     except QAPIError as err:
         print(f"{sys.argv[0]}: {str(err)}", file=sys.stderr)
         return 1
diff --git a/tests/meson.build b/tests/meson.build
index 21857d8b01..b4b95cc198 100644
--- a/tests/meson.build
+++ b/tests/meson.build
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ test_qapi_files = custom_target('Test QAPI files',
                                 command: [ qapi_gen, '-o', 
-                                           '-b', '-p', 'test-', '@INPUT0@' ],
+                                           '-b', '-p', 'test-', '@INPUT0@',
+                                           '--no-trace-events' ],
                                 depend_files: qapi_gen_depends)
 # meson doesn't like generated output in other directories

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