Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo wrote:
> Em Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 11:40:01AM +0100, Gerd Hoffmann escreveu:
> >   Hi,
> > 
> > > What we want to have is to have a set of distinctive colors - just 
> > > two (background, foreground) colors are not enough - we also need 
> > > colors to highlight certain information - we need 5-6 colors for the 
> > > output to be maximally expressive. Is there a canonical way to handle 
> > > that while still adapting to user preferences automatically by taking 
> > > background/foreground color scheme of the xterm into account?
> > 
> > > I suspect to fix the worst of the fallout we could add some logic to 
> > > detect low contrast combinations (too low color distance) and fall 
> > > back to the foreground/background colors in that case.
> > 
> > As far I know it is pretty much impossible to figure the
> > foreground/background colors of the terminal you are running on.  You
> Glad to hear that, I thought I hadn't researched that much (I did). Hope
> somebody appears and tell us how it is done :-)

In xterm, '\e]10;?\e\\' and '\e]11;?\e\\' will report the colors, e.g.:

  read -s -r -d \\ -p `printf '\e]10;?\e\\'` -t 1 fg
  [ $? -ne 0 ] && fg="no response"
  echo "foreground: $fg" | cat -v
  read -s -r -d \\ -p `printf '\e]11;?\e\\'` -t 1 bg
  [ $? -ne 0 ] && bg="no response"
  echo "background: $bg" | cat -v


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