On 10/29/21 12:01 AM, yangxiaojuan wrote:
+    env->CSR_CPUID = (cs->cpu_index & 0x1ff);

Any reason to have a copy of cpu_index, as opposed to just using that field?  
CSR_CPUID is read-only after all.

Yes, we need this value, the uefi code read this CPUID when Start slave cores.

That's not what I meant. You could arrange for the csr read from CPUID to read from cs->cpu_index instead of env->CSR_CPUID. You don't need a *separate* copy of this value.

I'm a bit concerned about the masking as well. It would be better for hw/ to ensure that there are no more than 511 cpus. Otherwise you'll have multiple cpus with identical CPUID.

... we have defined interfaces for getting random numbers.

Do you mean the qemu_guest_getrandom function? It gets random values that do 
not limit the range.
But I need a random in a fixed range, I cannot find the  Similar interface. 

Yes, I mean qemu_guest_getrandom.

    uint32_t val;
    qemu_guest_getrandom_nofail(&val, sizeof(val));
    return val % (high - low + 1) + low;


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