Hi Mike,
QEMU downloads are currently hosted on qemu.org's Apache web server.
Paolo and I were discussing ways to reduce qemu.org network traffic to
save money and eventually turn off the qemu.org server since there is no
full-time sysadmin for it. I'd like to discuss moving QEMU downloads to
GitLab Releases.

Since you create and sign QEMU releases I wanted to see what you think
about the idea. GitLab Releases has two ways of creating release assets:
archiving a git tree and attaching arbitrary binaries. The
scripts/make-release script fetches submodules and generates version
files, so it may be necessary to treat QEMU tarballs as arbitrary
binaries instead of simply letting GitLab create git tree archives:

Releases can be uploaded via the GitLab API from your local machine or
deployed as a GitLab CI job. Uploading from your local machine would be
the closest to the current workflow.

In the long term we could have a CI job that automatically publishes
QEMU releases when a new qemu.git tag is pushed. The release process
could be fully automated so that manual steps are no longer necessary,
although we'd have to trust GitLab with QEMU GPG signing keys.

What do you think?


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