
I'd like to propose that at least the three of us arrange a time to have a
meeting where we discuss our plans and ideas for QAPI going forward,
including rust, python, and golang extensions to the QAPI generator, what
we hope to accomplish with those projects, and so on.

What I am hoping to get out of this for myself is a high-level overview of
people's plans for QAPI and to produce some notes on those plans so that I
can have a reference that we've all acknowledged as roughly accurate to be
able to keep the community's design goals for QAPI in mind as I continue my
own development. Ultimately, I'd like some kind of rough draft of a "QAPI

I know there was a rust meetup during KVM Forum, but I was unable to attend
due to the timing. I'd like to expand the focus a little more broadly to
QAPI in general and discuss our "personal" roadmaps, goals, queued work,
etc so that we can collaboratively formulate a broader vision of our work.

I'm posting to qemu-devel in case anyone else has an interest in this area
and would like to eavesdrop or share opinions, but we should probably come
up with an agenda first. So:

Proposed agenda:

Current projects, wishlists, and goals for QAPI:
- Markus (~10 min)
- Marc-Andre (~10 min) (Rust, dbus, etc?)
- jsnow (~10 min) (Python, golang, etc)

Formulating short-term and long-term roadmaps:
- Open discussion, ~30 min
- Collaboratively produce a summary doc (etherpad?) outlining major work to
be done, separated into near and long terms
- Upload this summary to the QEMU wiki and mail it back out to qemu-devel
- We probably won't exactly finish this bit, but we can resume on the
mailing list afterwards perfectly well.

(Feel free to propose anything different for the meeting, this is just a
jumping off point for discussion.)

Proposed time:

- Any weekday after 13:00 UTC. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays work
particularly well for me at the moment.
- bluejeans and google meeting both work well for me. Open to alternatives.


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