HI Peter,

On Mon, 20 Sept 2021 at 19:20, Peter Maydell <peter.mayd...@linaro.org>

> > Is 0.001 uT OK to use as a starting point? I think that's enough for most
> > sensors I'm aware of.
> The thing is that the starting point is also the finishing point:
> once we have released something that uses a particular set of
> units, we can't change it in future without breaking backwards
> compatibility. So we need to get it right now.
I think 1000 = 1 uT is an appropriate value. In theory we could also just
indicate nT, but that's just a weird unit and everyone thinks in either
gauss or uT with magnetometers.

1000000 = 1 uT just feels excessive and outside a sensible
range for any sensors I'm aware of.

That this matches temp sensors is an added bonus.


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