On Fri, 10 Sept 2021 at 16:34, Daniel P. Berrangé <berra...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I think it might be worth leaving a warning here despite adding it
> to the main contribute index page, as people might land directly on
> this page and not see the other page's warning.
> >  Do NOT report security issues (or other bugs, too) as "private" bugs in the
> >  bug tracker.  QEMU has a [security process](../security-process) for issues
> >  that should be reported in a non-public way instead.

Isn't that text for the old launchpad bug tracker? The gitlab UI equivalent
to launchpad "private" bugs is that there's a tickybox for "This issue is
confidential". (At least accidental confidential gitlab bugs won't have
the same "vanishes into a black hole that nobody looks at" property that
LP private bugs did.)

-- PMM

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