On 8/6/21 4:42 PM, Alexander Bulekov wrote:
> On 210804 1451, Qiang Liu wrote:
>> xlnx_dp_read allows an out-of-bounds read at its default branch because
>> of an improper index.
>> According to
>> https://www.xilinx.com/html_docs/registers/ug1087/ug1087-zynq-ultrascale-registers.html
>> (DP Module), registers 0x3A4/0x3A4/0x3AC are allowed.
>> DP_INT_MASK     0x000003A4      32      mixed   0xFFFFF03F      Interrupt 
>> Mask Register for intrN.
>> DP_INT_EN       0x000003A8      32      mixed   0x00000000      Interrupt 
>> Enable Register.
>> DP_INT_DS       0x000003AC      32      mixed   0x00000000      Interrupt 
>> Disable Register.
>> In xlnx_dp_write, when the offset is 0x3A8 and 0x3AC, the virtual device
>> will write s->core_registers[0x3A4
>>>> 2]. That is to say, the maxize of s->core_registers could be ((0x3A4
>>>> 2) + 1). However, the current size of s->core_registers is (0x3AF >>
>>>> 2), that is ((0x3A4 >> 2) + 2), which is out of the range.
>> In xlxn_dp_read, the access to offset 0x3A8 or 0x3AC will be directed to
>> the offset 0x3A8 (incorrect functionality) or 0x3AC (out-of-bounds read)
>> rather than 0x3A4.
>> This patch enforces the read access to offset 0x3A8 and 0x3AC to 0x3A4,
>> but does not adjust the size of s->core_registers to avoid breaking
>> migration.
>> Fixes: 58ac482a66de ("introduce xlnx-dp")
>> Signed-off-by: Qiang Liu <cyruscy...@gmail.com>
> Acked-by: Alexander Bulekov <alx...@bu.edu>
> If there is somehow a regression, the test won't fail in a fatal way, so
> maybe it makes sense to throw in a setenv(UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1)

Where? Main meson? qtests meson? setenv() in the test (but would
override preset variable)?

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