On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 03:35:44PM +0200, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> On 15/06/21 15:07, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
> > > Hmm, looks like I actually need both.  Seems there is no easy way to get
> > > the cflags out of a source_set to construct a cpp command line.  Pulling
> > > this out of compile_commands.json with jq works though.
> > Well, easy until I look at target-specific modules where the
> > "source file" -> "command" mapping isn't unique any more.  Which makes
> > this route less attractive ...
> I was almost giving up... but it looks like the result of
> extract_all_objects(recursive: true) can be passed to custom_target(). Then
> you can match it after compile_commands.json's "output" key.

Seems the custom_target commands do not land in compile_commands.json.

But I have figured meanwhile that looking for the target name in the
command line works reliable.  That will will match

Current WIP patch below, seems to work nicely.  Whole patch series needs
an overhaul now ...

>From 70c96336e38f1a7f114aee2c7ef023546cc560e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gerd Hoffmann <kra...@redhat.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 09:23:52 +0200

 scripts/modinfo-collect.py  | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 scripts/modinfo-generate.py | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/qemu/module.h       | 33 ++++++++++---------
 meson.build                 | 28 +++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 scripts/modinfo-collect.py
 create mode 100755 scripts/modinfo-generate.py

diff --git a/scripts/modinfo-collect.py b/scripts/modinfo-collect.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..b804099cfd1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/modinfo-collect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+import json
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+def find_command(src, target, compile_commands):
+    for command in compile_commands:
+        if command['file'] != src:
+            continue
+        if target != '' and command['command'].find(target) == -1:
+            continue
+        return command['command']
+    return 'false'
+def process_command(src, command):
+    skip = False
+    arg = False
+    out = []
+    for item in shlex.split(command):
+        if arg:
+            out.append(x)
+            arg = False
+            continue
+        if skip:
+            skip = False
+            continue
+        if item == '-MF' or item == '-MQ' or item == '-o':
+            skip = True
+            continue
+        if item == '-c':
+            skip = True
+            continue
+        out.append(item)
+    out.append('-DQEMU_MODINFO')
+    out.append('-E')
+    out.append(src)
+    return out
+def main(args):
+    target = ''
+    if args[0] == '--target':
+        args.pop(0)
+        target = args.pop(0)
+        print("MODINFO_DEBUG target %s" % target)
+        arch = target[:-8] # cut '-softmmu'
+        print("MODINFO_START arch \"%s\" MODINFO_END" % arch)
+    with open('compile_commands.json') as f:
+        compile_commands = json.load(f)
+    for src in args:
+        print("MODINFO_DEBUG src %s" % src)
+        command = find_command(src, target, compile_commands)
+        cmdline = process_command(src, command)
+        print("MODINFO_DEBUG cmd", cmdline)
+        result = subprocess.run(cmdline, capture_output = True, text = True)
+        if result.returncode != 0:
+            sys.exit(result.returncode)
+        for line in result.stdout.split('\n'):
+            if line.find('MODINFO') != -1:
+                print(line)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/scripts/modinfo-generate.py b/scripts/modinfo-generate.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..b37d2e8edab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/modinfo-generate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+def print_array(name, values):
+    if len(values) == 0:
+        return
+    print("    .%s = ((const char*[]){ %s, NULL })," % (name, ", 
+def generate(name, lines):
+    arch = ""
+    objs = []
+    deps = []
+    opts = []
+    for line in lines:
+        if line.startswith("MODINFO_START"):
+            items = line.split()
+            if items[1] == 'obj':
+                objs.append(items[2])
+            elif items[1] == 'dep':
+                deps.append(items[2])
+            elif items[1] == 'opts':
+                opts.append(items[2])
+            elif items[1] == 'arch':
+                arch = items[2];
+            else:
+                print("unknown:", items[1])
+                exit(1)
+    print("    .name = \"%s\"," % name)
+    if arch != "":
+        print("    .arch = %s," % arch)
+    print_array("objs", objs)
+    print_array("deps", deps)
+    print_array("opts", opts)
+    print("},{");
+def print_pre():
+    print("/* generated by scripts/modinfo.py */")
+    print("#include \"qemu/osdep.h\"")
+    print("#include \"qemu/module.h\"")
+    print("const QemuModinfo qemu_modinfo[] = {{")
+def print_post():
+    print("    /* end of list */")
+    print("}};")
+def main(args):
+    print_pre()
+    for modinfo in args:
+        with open(modinfo) as f:
+            lines = f.readlines()
+        print("    /* %s */" % modinfo)
+        (basename, ext) = os.path.splitext(modinfo)
+        generate(basename, lines)
+    print_post()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/include/qemu/module.h b/include/qemu/module.h
index 7825f6d8c847..23e92fff8484 100644
--- a/include/qemu/module.h
+++ b/include/qemu/module.h
@@ -74,26 +74,27 @@ void module_load_qom_one(const char *type);
 void module_load_qom_all(void);
 void module_allow_arch(const char *arch);
- * macros to store module metadata in a .modinfo section.
- * qemu-modinfo utility will collect the metadata.
- *
- * Use "objdump -t -s -j .modinfo ${module}.so" to inspect.
- */
-#define ___PASTE(a, b) a##b
-#define __PASTE(a, b) ___PASTE(a, b)
-#define modinfo(kind, value)                             \
-    static const char __PASTE(kind, __LINE__)[]          \
-        __attribute__((__used__))                        \
-        __attribute__((section(".modinfo")))             \
-        __attribute__((aligned(1)))                      \
-        = stringify(kind) "=" value
+/* scripts/modinfo.sh collects module info (using -DQEMU_MODINFO) */
+# define modinfo(kind, value) \
+# define modinfo(kind, value)
 #define module_obj(name) modinfo(obj, name)
 #define module_dep(name) modinfo(dep, name)
 #define module_arch(name) modinfo(arch, name)
 #define module_opts(name) modinfo(opts, name)
+typedef struct QemuModinfo QemuModinfo;
+struct QemuModinfo {
+    const char *name;
+    const char *arch;
+    const char **objs;
+    const char **deps;
+    const char **opts;
+extern const QemuModinfo qemu_modinfo[];
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index 46ebc07dbb67..f5c7ba979981 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -2048,6 +2048,10 @@ target_modules += { 'accel' : { 'qtest': qtest_module_ss,
 # Library dependencies #
+modinfo_collect = find_program('scripts/modinfo-collect.py')
+modinfo_generate = find_program('scripts/modinfo-generate.py')
+modinfo_files = []
 block_mods = []
 softmmu_mods = []
 foreach d, list : modules
@@ -2056,6 +2060,11 @@ foreach d, list : modules
       module_ss = module_ss.apply(config_all, strict: false)
       sl = static_library(d + '-' + m, [genh, module_ss.sources()],
                           dependencies: [modulecommon, 
module_ss.dependencies()], pic: true)
+      modinfo_files += custom_target(d + '-' + m + '.modinfo',
+                                     output: d + '-' + m + '.modinfo',
+                                     input: module_ss.sources(),
+                                     capture: true,
+                                     command: [modinfo_collect, '@INPUT@'])
       if d == 'block'
         block_mods += sl
@@ -2084,12 +2093,18 @@ foreach d, list : target_modules
           target_module_ss = module_ss.apply(config_target, strict: false)
           if target_module_ss.sources() != []
-            sl = static_library(d + '-' + m + '-' + 
+            module_name = d + '-' + m + '-' + config_target['TARGET_NAME']
+            sl = static_library(module_name,
                                 [genh, target_module_ss.sources()],
                                 dependencies: [modulecommon, 
                                 include_directories: target_inc,
                                 c_args: c_args,
                                 pic: true)
+            modinfo_files += custom_target(module_name + '.modinfo',
+                                           output: module_name + '.modinfo',
+                                           input: target_module_ss.sources(),
+                                           capture: true,
+                                           command: [modinfo_collect, 
'--target', target, '@INPUT@'])
             softmmu_mods += sl
@@ -2100,6 +2115,17 @@ foreach d, list : target_modules
+if enable_modules
+  modinfo_src = custom_target('modinfo.c',
+                              output: 'modinfo.c',
+                              input: modinfo_files,
+                              command: [modinfo_generate, '@INPUT@'],
+                              capture: true)
+  modinfo_lib = static_library('modinfo', modinfo_src)
+  modinfo_dep = declare_dependency(link_whole: modinfo_lib)
+  softmmu_ss.add(modinfo_dep)
 nm = find_program('nm')
 undefsym = find_program('scripts/undefsym.py')
 block_syms = custom_target('block.syms', output: 'block.syms',

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