On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 10:54:19AM +0800, Zhang Chen wrote:
> Since the real user scenario does not need COLO to monitor all traffic.
> Add colo-passthrough-add and colo-passthrough-del to maintain
> a COLO network passthrough list. Add IPFlowSpec struct for all QMP commands.
> Except protocol field is necessary, other fields are optional.

That last sentence reads awkwardly, and I don't see a protocol field
in the patch below.

> Signed-off-by: Zhang Chen <chen.zh...@intel.com>
> ---
>  net/net.c     | 10 ++++++++
>  qapi/net.json | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 78 insertions(+)

> +++ b/qapi/net.json
> @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
>  ##
>  { 'include': 'common.json' }
> +{ 'include': 'sockets.json' }
>  ##
>  # @set_link:
> @@ -694,3 +695,70 @@
>  ##
>  { 'event': 'FAILOVER_NEGOTIATED',
>    'data': {'device-id': 'str'} }
> +
> +##
> +# @IPFlowSpec:
> +#
> +# IP flow specification.
> +#
> +# @protocol: Transport layer protocol like TCP/UDP...

Why is this open-coded as 'str' instead of an enum?

> +#
> +# @object-name: Point out the IPflow spec effective range of object,
> +#               If there is no such part, it means global spec.
> +#
> +# @source: Source address and port.
> +#
> +# @destination: Destination address and port.
> +#
> +# Since: 6.1
> +##
> +{ 'struct': 'IPFlowSpec',
> +  'data': { '*protocol': 'str', '*object-name': 'str',
> +    '*source': 'InetSocketAddressBase',
> +    '*destination': 'InetSocketAddressBase' } }
> +
> +##
> +# @colo-passthrough-add:
> +#
> +# Add passthrough entry according to user's needs in COLO-compare.
> +# Source IP/port and destination IP/port both optional, If user just
> +# input parts of infotmation, it will match all.


Grammar suggestion:

The source and destination IP/ports are both optional; if the user
only inputs part of the information, this will match all traffic.

except I'm not sure if my rewrite conveys the actual intent.

> +#
> +# Returns: Nothing on success
> +#
> +# Since: 6.1
> +#
> +# Example:
> +#
> +# -> { "execute": "colo-passthrough-add",
> +#      "arguments": { "protocol": "tcp", "object-name": "object0",
> +#      "source": {"host": "", "port": "1234"},
> +#      "destination": {"host": "", "port": "4321"} } }
> +# <- { "return": {} }
> +#
> +##
> +{ 'command': 'colo-passthrough-add', 'boxed': true,
> +     'data': 'IPFlowSpec' }
> +
> +##
> +# @colo-passthrough-del:
> +#
> +# Delete passthrough entry according to user's needs in COLO-compare.
> +# Source IP/port and destination IP/port both optional, If user just
> +# input parts of infotmation, it will match all.

Same problems as above.

> +#
> +# Returns: Nothing on success
> +#
> +# Since: 6.1
> +#
> +# Example:
> +#
> +# -> { "execute": "colo-passthrough-del",
> +#      "arguments": { "protocol": "tcp", "object-name": "object0",
> +#      "source": {"host": "", "port": "1234"},
> +#      "destination": {"host": "", "port": "4321"} } }
> +# <- { "return": {} }
> +#
> +##
> +{ 'command': 'colo-passthrough-del', 'boxed': true,
> +     'data': 'IPFlowSpec' }
> -- 
> 2.25.1

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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