On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 02:55:42PM +0200, Max Reitz wrote:
> Mount point directories represent two inodes: On one hand, they are a
> normal directory on their parent filesystem.  On the other, they are the
> root node of the filesystem mounted there.  Thus, they have two inode
> IDs.
> Right now, we only report the latter inode ID (i.e. the inode ID of the
> mounted filesystem's root node).  This is fine once the guest has
> auto-mounted a submount there (so this inode ID goes with a device ID
> that is distinct from the parent filesystem), but before the auto-mount,
> they have the device ID of the parent and the inode ID for the submount.
> This is problematic because this is likely exactly the same
> st_dev/st_ino combination as the parent filesystem's root node.  This
> leads to problems for example with `find`, which will thus complain
> about a filesystem loop if it has visited the parent filesystem's root
> node before, and then refuse to descend into the submount.
> There is a way to find the mount directory's original inode ID, and that
> is to readdir(3) the parent directory, look for the mount directory, and
> read the dirent.d_ino field.  Using this, we can let lookup and
> readdirplus return that original inode ID, which the guest will thus
> show until the submount is auto-mounted.

> (Then, it will invoke getattr
> and that stat(2) call will return the inode ID for the submount.)

Hi Max,

How are we sure that GETATTR() will always be called and that will
allow us to return inode number in mounted filesystem (instead of
parent filesystem). I thought GETATTR will be called only if cached
attrs have expired. (1 second default for cache=auto). Otherwise
stat() will fill inode->i_no from cache and return. And I am afraid
that in that case we will return inode number from parent fs,
instead of mounted fs.

Say following sequence of events happens pretty fast one after the
other. Say /mnt/virtiofs/foo is a mount point in server but client
has not created submount yet.

A. stat(/mnt/virtiofs/foo, AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT)
   -> This should get inode number in parent filesystem on host and 
      store in guest inode->i_no and return to user space. Say inode
      in guest is called a_ino.
B. stat(/mnt/virtiofs/foo)
   -> This should create submount and create new inode (say b_ino), using
      properties from a_ino. IOW, this should copy a_ino->i_no to
      b_ino->b_ino given current code, IIUC.

   -> Assume timeout has not happened and cached attrs have not expired.

   -> And now b_ino->i_no (or ->orig_ino) will be returned to user space.

Am I missing something. Do we need to always expire inode attrs when
we create submount so that client is forced to issue GETATTR.


> Signed-off-by: Max Reitz <mre...@redhat.com>
> ---
>  tools/virtiofsd/passthrough_ll.c | 104 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
>  1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/tools/virtiofsd/passthrough_ll.c 
> b/tools/virtiofsd/passthrough_ll.c
> index 1553d2ef45..110b6e7e5b 100644
> --- a/tools/virtiofsd/passthrough_ll.c
> +++ b/tools/virtiofsd/passthrough_ll.c
> @@ -968,14 +968,87 @@ static int do_statx(struct lo_data *lo, int dirfd, 
> const char *pathname,
>      return 0;
>  }
> +/*
> + * Use readdir() to find mp_name's inode ID on the parent's filesystem.
> + * (For mount points, stat() will only return the inode ID on the
> + * filesystem mounted there, i.e. the root directory's inode ID.  The
> + * mount point originally was a directory on the parent filesystem,
> + * though, and so has a different inode ID there.  When passing
> + * submount information to the guest, we need to pass this other ID,
> + * so the guest can use it as the inode ID until the submount is
> + * auto-mounted.  (At which point the guest will invoke getattr and
> + * find the inode ID on the submount.))
> + *
> + * Return 0 on success, and -errno otherwise.  *pino is set only in
> + * case of success.
> + */
> +static int get_mp_ino_on_parent(const struct lo_inode *dir, const char 
> *mp_name,
> +                                ino_t *pino)
> +{
> +    int dirfd = -1;
> +    int ret;
> +    DIR *dp = NULL;
> +
> +    dirfd = openat(dir->fd, ".", O_RDONLY);
> +    if (dirfd < 0) {
> +        ret = -errno;
> +        goto out;
> +    }
> +
> +    dp = fdopendir(dirfd);
> +    if (!dp) {
> +        ret = -errno;
> +        goto out;
> +    }
> +    /* Owned by dp now */
> +    dirfd = -1;
> +
> +    while (true) {
> +        struct dirent *de;
> +
> +        errno = 0;
> +        de = readdir(dp);
> +        if (!de) {
> +            ret = errno ? -errno : -ENOENT;
> +            goto out;
> +        }
> +
> +        if (!strcmp(de->d_name, mp_name)) {
> +            *pino = de->d_ino;
> +            ret = 0;
> +            goto out;
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +out:
> +    if (dp) {
> +        closedir(dp);
> +    }
> +    if (dirfd >= 0) {
> +        close(dirfd);
> +    }
> +    return ret;
> +}
> +
>  /*
>   * Increments nlookup on the inode on success. unref_inode_lolocked() must be
>   * called eventually to decrement nlookup again. If inodep is non-NULL, the
>   * inode pointer is stored and the caller must call lo_inode_put().
> + *
> + * If parent_fs_st_ino is true, the entry is a mount point, and submounts are
> + * announced to the guest, set e->attr.st_ino to the entry's inode ID on its
> + * parent filesystem instead of its inode ID on the filesystem mounted on it.
> + * (For mount points, the entry encompasses two inodes: One on the parent FS,
> + * and one on the mounted FS (where it is the root node), so it has two inode
> + * IDs.  When looking up entries, we should show the guest the parent FS's 
> inode
> + * ID, because as long as the guest has not auto-mounted the submount, it 
> should
> + * see that original ID.  Once it does perform the auto-mount, it will invoke
> + * getattr and see the root node's inode ID.)
>   */
>  static int lo_do_lookup(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t parent, const char *name,
>                          struct fuse_entry_param *e,
> -                        struct lo_inode **inodep)
> +                        struct lo_inode **inodep,
> +                        bool parent_fs_st_ino)
>  {
>      int newfd;
>      int res;
> @@ -984,6 +1057,7 @@ static int lo_do_lookup(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t 
> parent, const char *name,
>      struct lo_data *lo = lo_data(req);
>      struct lo_inode *inode = NULL;
>      struct lo_inode *dir = lo_inode(req, parent);
> +    ino_t ino_id_for_guest;
>      if (inodep) {
>          *inodep = NULL; /* in case there is an error */
> @@ -1018,9 +1092,22 @@ static int lo_do_lookup(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t 
> parent, const char *name,
>          goto out_err;
>      }
> +    ino_id_for_guest = e->attr.st_ino;
> +
>      if (S_ISDIR(e->attr.st_mode) && lo->announce_submounts &&
>          (e->attr.st_dev != dir->key.dev || mnt_id != dir->key.mnt_id)) {
>          e->attr_flags |= FUSE_ATTR_SUBMOUNT;
> +
> +        if (parent_fs_st_ino) {
> +            /*
> +             * Best effort, so ignore errors.
> +             * Also note that using readdir() means there may be races:
> +             * The directory entry we find (if any) may be different
> +             * from newfd.  Again, this is a best effort.  Reporting
> +             * the wrong inode ID to the guest is not catastrophic.
> +             */
> +            get_mp_ino_on_parent(dir, name, &ino_id_for_guest);
> +        }
>      }
>      inode = lo_find(lo, &e->attr, mnt_id);
> @@ -1043,6 +1130,10 @@ static int lo_do_lookup(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t 
> parent, const char *name,
>          inode->nlookup = 1;
>          inode->fd = newfd;
> +        /*
> +         * For the inode key, use the dev/ino/mnt ID as reported by stat()
> +         * (i.e. not ino_id_for_guest)
> +         */
>          inode->key.ino = e->attr.st_ino;
>          inode->key.dev = e->attr.st_dev;
>          inode->key.mnt_id = mnt_id;
> @@ -1058,6 +1149,9 @@ static int lo_do_lookup(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t 
> parent, const char *name,
>      }
>      e->ino = inode->fuse_ino;
> +    /* Report ino_id_for_guest to the guest */
> +    e->attr.st_ino = ino_id_for_guest;
> +
>      /* Transfer ownership of inode pointer to caller or drop it */
>      if (inodep) {
>          *inodep = inode;
> @@ -1104,7 +1198,7 @@ static void lo_lookup(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t 
> parent, const char *name)
>          return;
>      }
> -    err = lo_do_lookup(req, parent, name, &e, NULL);
> +    err = lo_do_lookup(req, parent, name, &e, NULL, true);
>      if (err) {
>          fuse_reply_err(req, err);
>      } else {
> @@ -1217,7 +1311,7 @@ static void lo_mknod_symlink(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t 
> parent,
>          goto out;
>      }
> -    saverr = lo_do_lookup(req, parent, name, &e, NULL);
> +    saverr = lo_do_lookup(req, parent, name, &e, NULL, false);
>      if (saverr) {
>          goto out;
>      }
> @@ -1714,7 +1808,7 @@ static void lo_do_readdir(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t 
> ino, size_t size,
>          if (plus) {
>              if (!is_dot_or_dotdot(name)) {
> -                err = lo_do_lookup(req, ino, name, &e, NULL);
> +                err = lo_do_lookup(req, ino, name, &e, NULL, true);
>                  if (err) {
>                      goto error;
>                  }
> @@ -1936,7 +2030,7 @@ static void lo_create(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t 
> parent, const char *name,
>          goto out;
>      }
> -    err = lo_do_lookup(req, parent, name, &e, &inode);
> +    err = lo_do_lookup(req, parent, name, &e, &inode, false);
>      if (err) {
>          goto out;
>      }
> -- 
> 2.31.1

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