On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 07:12:23PM -0400, John Snow wrote:
> When creating a source distribution via 'python3 setup.py sdist', the
> VERSION and PACKAGE.rst files aren't bundled by default. Create a
> MANIFEST.in file that instructs the build tools to include these so that
> installation from source dists won't fail.
> (This invocation is required by 'tox', as well as by the tooling needed
> to upload packages to PyPI.)
> Signed-off-by: John Snow <js...@redhat.com>
> ---
>  python/README.rst  | 2 ++
>  python/MANIFEST.in | 2 ++
>  2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 python/MANIFEST.in

I was about to propose mypy.ini to be included here, but given
that it's merged into setup.cfg later in this series:

Reviewed-by: Cleber Rosa <cr...@redhat.com>


Note to self (and to you) when generating the sdist, I get:

   package init file 'qemu/__init__.py' not found (or not a regular file)
   package init file 'dist/__init__.py' not found (or not a regular file)

Which may not be too harmful, but deserves investigation.

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