I am using qemu (kvm enabled) to debug linux, I set break-point on
schedule()  ( a function i know that i can break on ) before the grub loads
the kernel. However, after the grub loads the kernel, the kernel does not
stop on that break-point. My theory is that I set the break-point before the
vmlinux is loaded by the grub, kvm might just store a trap instruction on
that memory location, when the kernel is loaded by grub, the trap
instruction gets overwritten. I am running on an amd64 processor from amd. I
am not sure whether hardware debug register is available or enabled on the
machine. Any suggestion from qemu and gdb folks are welcome.

Also, when i issue a cat /proc/modules, i get all the addresses where all
the modules are loaded, are those addresses physical address or virtual
address. my guess is that they are physical.



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