Hi Philippe, Cleber,

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 8:14 PM Cleber Rosa <cr...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 10:12:10AM +0100, Philippe Mathieu-Daudé wrote:
> > Hi Niek,
> >
> > On 2/23/21 11:53 PM, Niek Linnenbank wrote:
> > > Currently the automated acceptance tests for the Orange Pi PC and
> cubieboard
> > > machines are disabled by default. The tests for both machines require
> artifacts
> > > that are stored on the apt.armbian.com domain. Unfortunately, some of
> these artifacts
> > > have been removed from apt.armbian.com and it is uncertain whether
> more will be removed.
> > >
> > > This commit moves the artifacts previously stored on apt.armbian.com
> to github
> > > and retrieves them using the path: '/<machine>/<artifact>'.
> > >
> > > Signed-off-by: Niek Linnenbank <nieklinnenb...@gmail.com>
> > > Reviewed-by: Willian Rampazzo <willi...@redhat.com>
> > > Reviewed-by: Cleber Rosa <cr...@redhat.com>
> >
> > > Tested-by: Cleber Rosa <cr...@redhat.com>
> >
> > Did Cleber test this new version?
> >

You're right, it was the previous version (v1) that Cleber tested using my
own machine URL's.

I was actually not sure whether I should or should not have added the
Tested-by/Reviewed-by tags in such scenario.
The content had to be changed due to the outcome of our discussion but also
I thought I don't want to silently drop
the tags since Cleber invested his time into it too.

What should I do here, next time?

> Nope, and I'm having issues with those URLs.  For instance:
>    $ curl -L
> https://github.com/nieklinnenbank/QemuArtifacts/raw/master/cubieboard/linux-image-dev-sunxi_5.75_armhf.deb
>    version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
>    oid
> sha256:a4b765c851de76592f55023b1ff4104f7fd29bf90937e6054e0a64fdda56380b
>    size 20331524
> Looks like it has to do with GitHub's behavior wrt quota.

Indeed. Just this morning I received an e-mail from github with the
following text:

"[GitHub] Git LFS disabled for nieklinnenbank

Git LFS has been disabled on your personal account nieklinnenbank because
you’ve exceeded your data plan by at least 150%.
Please purchase additional data packs to cover your bandwidth and storage


Current usage as of 24 Feb 2021 09:49AM UTC:

  Bandwidth: 1.55 GB / 1 GB (155%)
  Storage: 0.48 GB / 1 GB (48%)"

I wasn't aware of it but it appears that Github has these quota's for the
Large File Storage (LFS). I uploaded the files in the git LFS
because single files are also limited to 100MiB each on the regular Git

With those strict limits, in my opinion Github isn't really a solution
since the bandwidth limit will be reached very quickly. At least for the
LFS part that is. I don't know yet if there is any limit for regular access.

My current ideas:
  - we can try to splitup the larger files into sizes < 100MiB in order to
use github regular storage. and then download each part to combine into the
final image.
    im not really in favour of this but it can work, if github doesnt have
any other limit/quota. the cost is that we have to add more complexity to
the acceptance test code.
  - we can try to just update the URLs to armbian that are working now
(with the risk of breaking again in the near future). Ive also found this
link, which may be more stable:
  - or use the server that im hosting - and i don't mind to add the license
files on it if needed (should be GPLv2 right?)

I'd be interested to hear your opinion and suggestions.

Kind regards,

> Regards,
> - Cleber.

Niek Linnenbank

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