> > Tarball of my current kernel and rootfs is available at
> > http://jcmvbkbc.spb.ru/~dumb/ws/osll/qemu-xtensa/20110829/xtensa-dc232b_kernel_rootfs.tgz
> > 
> > I can also publish unit tests binaries.
> Hi Max,
> Unit tests would be good too, but it would also be helpful if you could put
> the test programs into the rootfs with an easy to run script from within
> the guest.

I mean tests from qemu/tests/xtensa. They're standalone baremetal ELFs, much 
like tests for chris or lm32.
They don't seem to fit that download page, but if anybody would like to run 
them the archive is there:


> I've put your image on the wiki's download page. Feel free to send updates
> and I'll replace the old one.

-- Max

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