From: Phillip Tennen <>

This patch implements a new netdev device, reachable via -netdev
vmnet-macos, that’s backed by macOS’s vmnet framework.

The vmnet framework provides native bridging support, and its usage in
this patch is intended as a replacement for attempts to use a tap device
via the tuntaposx kernel extension. Notably, the tap/tuntaposx approach
never would have worked in the first place, as QEMU interacts with the
tap device via poll(), and macOS does not support polling device files.

vmnet requires either a special entitlement, granted via a provisioning
profile, or root access. Otherwise attempts to create the virtual
interface will fail with a “generic error” status code. QEMU may not
currently be signed with an entitlement granted in a provisioning
profile, as this would necessitate pre-signed binary build distribution,
rather than source-code distribution. As such, using this netdev
currently requires that qemu be run with root access. I’ve opened a
feedback report with Apple to allow the use of the relevant entitlement
with this use case:

vmnet offers three operating modes, all of which are supported by this
patch via the “mode=host|shared|bridge” option:

* "Host" mode: Allows the vmnet interface to communicate with other
* vmnet
interfaces that are in host mode and also with the native host.
* "Shared" mode: Allows traffic originating from the vmnet interface to
reach the Internet through a NAT. The vmnet interface can also
communicate with the native host.
* "Bridged" mode: Bridges the vmnet interface with a physical network

Each of these modes also provide some extra configuration that’s
supported by this patch:

* "Bridged" mode: The user may specify the physical interface to bridge
with. Defaults to en0.
* "Host" mode / "Shared" mode: The user may specify the DHCP range and
subnet. Allocated by vmnet if not provided.

vmnet also offers some extra configuration options that are not
supported by this patch:

* Enable isolation from other VMs using vmnet
* Port forwarding rules
* Enabling TCP segmentation offload
* Only applicable in "shared" mode: specifying the NAT IPv6 prefix
* Only available in "host" mode: specifying the IP address for the VM
within an isolated network

Note that this patch requires macOS 10.15 as a minimum, as this is when
bridging support was implemented in vmnet.framework.

Signed-off-by: Phillip Tennen <>
 configure         |   2 +-
 net/clients.h     |   6 +
 net/   |   1 +
 net/net.c         |   3 +
 net/vmnet-macos.c | 447 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 qapi/net.json     | 120 ++++++++++++-
 qemu-options.hx   |   9 +
 7 files changed, 585 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 net/vmnet-macos.c

diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 4afd22bdf5..f449198db1 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ Darwin)
   audio_drv_list="coreaudio try-sdl"
   audio_possible_drivers="coreaudio sdl"
-  QEMU_LDFLAGS="-framework CoreFoundation -framework IOKit $QEMU_LDFLAGS"
+  QEMU_LDFLAGS="-framework CoreFoundation -framework IOKit -framework vmnet 
   # Disable attempts to use ObjectiveC features in os/object.h since they
   # won't work when we're compiling with gcc as a C compiler.
diff --git a/net/clients.h b/net/clients.h
index 92f9b59aed..463a9b2f67 100644
--- a/net/clients.h
+++ b/net/clients.h
@@ -63,4 +63,10 @@ int net_init_vhost_user(const Netdev *netdev, const char 
 int net_init_vhost_vdpa(const Netdev *netdev, const char *name,
                         NetClientState *peer, Error **errp);
+int net_init_vmnet_macos(const Netdev *netdev, const char *name,
+                        NetClientState *peer, Error **errp);
 #endif /* QEMU_NET_CLIENTS_H */
diff --git a/net/ b/net/
index 1076b0a7ab..8c7c32f775 100644
--- a/net/
+++ b/net/
@@ -37,5 +37,6 @@ endif
 softmmu_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_POSIX', if_true: files(tap_posix))
 softmmu_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_WIN32', if_true: files('tap-win32.c'))
 softmmu_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_VHOST_NET_VDPA', if_true: files('vhost-vdpa.c'))
+softmmu_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_DARWIN', if_true: files('vmnet-macos.c'))
diff --git a/net/net.c b/net/net.c
index c1cd9c75f6..e68a410a89 100644
--- a/net/net.c
+++ b/net/net.c
@@ -977,6 +977,9 @@ static int (* const 
 #ifdef CONFIG_L2TPV3
         [NET_CLIENT_DRIVER_L2TPV3]    = net_init_l2tpv3,
+        [NET_CLIENT_DRIVER_VMNET_MACOS] = net_init_vmnet_macos,
diff --git a/net/vmnet-macos.c b/net/vmnet-macos.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a762751dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/vmnet-macos.c
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+ * vmnet.framework backed netdev for macOS 10.15+ hosts
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Phillip Tennen <>
+ *
+ * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
+ * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+ *
+ */
+#include "qemu/osdep.h"
+#include "qemu/main-loop.h"
+#include "qemu/error-report.h"
+#include "qapi/qapi-types-net.h"
+#include "net/net.h"
+/* macOS vmnet framework header */
+#include <vmnet/vmnet.h>
+typedef struct vmnet_state {
+    NetClientState nc;
+    interface_ref vmnet_iface_ref;
+    /* Switched on after vmnet informs us that the interface has started */
+    bool link_up;
+    /*
+     * If qemu_send_packet_async returns 0, this is switched off until our
+     * delivery callback is invoked
+     */
+    bool qemu_ready_to_receive;
+} vmnet_state_t;
+int net_init_vmnet_macos(const Netdev *netdev, const char *name,
+                         NetClientState *peer, Error **errp);
+static const char *_vmnet_status_repr(vmnet_return_t status)
+    switch (status) {
+    case VMNET_SUCCESS:
+        return "success";
+    case VMNET_FAILURE:
+        return "generic failure";
+        return "out of memory";
+        return "invalid argument";
+        return "setup is incomplete";
+        return "insufficient permissions";
+        return "packet size exceeds MTU";
+        return "kernel buffers temporarily exhausted";
+        return "number of packets exceeds system limit";
+    /* This error code was introduced in macOS 11.0 */
+        return "sharing service busy";
+    default:
+        return "unknown status code";
+    }
+static operating_modes_t _vmnet_operating_mode_enum_compat(
+    VmnetOperatingMode mode)
+    switch (mode) {
+        return VMNET_HOST_MODE;
+        return VMNET_SHARED_MODE;
+        return VMNET_BRIDGED_MODE;
+    default:
+        /* Should never happen as the modes are parsed before we get here */
+        assert(false);
+    }
+static bool vmnet_can_receive(NetClientState *nc)
+    vmnet_state_t *s = DO_UPCAST(vmnet_state_t, nc, nc);
+    return s->link_up;
+static ssize_t vmnet_receive_iov(NetClientState *nc,
+                                 const struct iovec *iovs,
+                                 int iovcnt)
+    vmnet_state_t *s = DO_UPCAST(vmnet_state_t, nc, nc);
+    /* Combine the provided iovs into a single vmnet packet */
+    struct vmpktdesc *packet = g_new0(struct vmpktdesc, 1);
+    packet->vm_pkt_iov = g_new0(struct iovec, iovcnt);
+    memcpy(packet->vm_pkt_iov, iovs, sizeof(struct iovec) * iovcnt);
+    packet->vm_pkt_iovcnt = iovcnt;
+    packet->vm_flags = 0;
+    /* Figure out the packet size by iterating the iov's */
+    for (int i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
+        const struct iovec *iov = iovs + i;
+        packet->vm_pkt_size += iov->iov_len;
+    }
+    /* Finally, write the packet to the vmnet interface */
+    int packet_count = 1;
+    vmnet_return_t result = vmnet_write(s->vmnet_iface_ref, packet,
+                                        &packet_count);
+    if (result != VMNET_SUCCESS || packet_count != 1) {
+        error_printf("Failed to send packet to host: %s\n",
+            _vmnet_status_repr(result));
+    }
+    ssize_t wrote_bytes = packet->vm_pkt_size;
+    g_free(packet->vm_pkt_iov);
+    g_free(packet);
+    return wrote_bytes;
+static void vmnet_send_completed(NetClientState *nc, ssize_t len)
+    vmnet_state_t *vmnet_client_state = DO_UPCAST(vmnet_state_t, nc, nc);
+    /* Ready to receive more packets! */
+    vmnet_client_state->qemu_ready_to_receive = true;
+static NetClientInfo net_vmnet_macos_info = {
+    .size = sizeof(vmnet_state_t),
+    .receive_iov = vmnet_receive_iov,
+    .can_receive = vmnet_can_receive,
+static bool _validate_ifname_is_valid_bridge_target(const char *ifname)
+    /* Iterate available bridge interfaces, ensure the provided one is valid */
+    xpc_object_t bridge_interfaces = vmnet_copy_shared_interface_list();
+    bool failed_to_match_iface_name = xpc_array_apply(
+        bridge_interfaces,
+        ^bool(size_t index, xpc_object_t  _Nonnull value) {
+        if (!strcmp(xpc_string_get_string_ptr(value), ifname)) {
+            /* The interface name is valid! Stop iterating */
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    });
+    if (failed_to_match_iface_name) {
+        error_printf("Invalid bridge interface name provided: %s\n", ifname);
+        error_printf("Valid bridge interfaces:\n");
+        xpc_array_apply(
+            vmnet_copy_shared_interface_list(),
+            ^bool(size_t index, xpc_object_t  _Nonnull value) {
+            error_printf("\t%s\n", xpc_string_get_string_ptr(value));
+            /* Keep iterating */
+            return true;
+        });
+        exit(1);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+static xpc_object_t _construct_vmnet_interface_description(
+    const NetdevVmnetModeOptions *vmnet_opts)
+    operating_modes_t mode = _vmnet_operating_mode_enum_compat(
+        vmnet_opts->mode);
+    /* Validate options */
+    if (mode == VMNET_HOST_MODE || mode == VMNET_SHARED_MODE) {
+        NetdevVmnetModeOptionsHostOrShared mode_opts = vmnet_opts->;
+        /* If one DHCP parameter is configured, all 3 are required */
+        if (mode_opts.has_dhcp_start_address ||
+            mode_opts.has_dhcp_end_address ||
+            mode_opts.has_dhcp_subnet_mask) {
+            if (!(mode_opts.has_dhcp_start_address &&
+                  mode_opts.has_dhcp_end_address &&
+                  mode_opts.has_dhcp_subnet_mask)) {
+                error_printf("Incomplete DHCP configuration provided\n");
+                exit(1);
+            }
+        }
+    } else if (mode == VMNET_BRIDGED_MODE) {
+        /* Nothing to validate */
+    } else {
+        error_printf("Unknown vmnet mode %d\n", mode);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    xpc_object_t interface_desc = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0);
+    xpc_dictionary_set_uint64(
+        interface_desc,
+        vmnet_operation_mode_key,
+        mode
+    );
+    if (mode == VMNET_BRIDGED_MODE) {
+        /*
+         * Configure the provided physical interface to act
+         * as a bridge with QEMU
+         */
+        NetdevVmnetModeOptionsBridged mode_opts = vmnet_opts->u.bridged;
+        /* Bridge with en0 by default */
+        const char *physical_ifname = mode_opts.has_ifname ? mode_opts.ifname :
+                                                             "en0";
+        _validate_ifname_is_valid_bridge_target(physical_ifname);
+        xpc_dictionary_set_string(interface_desc,
+                                  vmnet_shared_interface_name_key,
+                                  physical_ifname);
+    } else if (mode == VMNET_HOST_MODE || mode == VMNET_SHARED_MODE) {
+        /* Pass the DHCP configuration to vmnet, if the user provided one */
+        NetdevVmnetModeOptionsHostOrShared mode_opts = vmnet_opts->;
+        if (mode_opts.has_dhcp_start_address) {
+            /* All DHCP arguments are available, as per the checks above */
+            xpc_dictionary_set_string(interface_desc,
+                                      vmnet_start_address_key,
+                                      mode_opts.dhcp_start_address);
+            xpc_dictionary_set_string(interface_desc,
+                                      vmnet_end_address_key,
+                                      mode_opts.dhcp_end_address);
+            xpc_dictionary_set_string(interface_desc,
+                                      vmnet_subnet_mask_key,
+                                      mode_opts.dhcp_subnet_mask);
+        }
+    }
+    return interface_desc;
+int net_init_vmnet_macos(const Netdev *netdev, const char *name,
+                        NetClientState *peer, Error **errp)
+    assert(netdev->type == NET_CLIENT_DRIVER_VMNET_MACOS);
+    NetdevVmnetModeOptions *vmnet_opts = netdev->u.vmnet_macos.options;
+    xpc_object_t iface_desc = 
+    NetClientState *nc = qemu_new_net_client(&net_vmnet_macos_info, peer,
+                                             "vmnet", name);
+    vmnet_state_t *vmnet_client_state = DO_UPCAST(vmnet_state_t, nc, nc);
+    dispatch_queue_t vmnet_dispatch_queue = dispatch_queue_create(
+        "org.qemu.vmnet.iface_queue",
+    );
+    __block vmnet_return_t vmnet_start_status = 0;
+    __block uint64_t vmnet_iface_mtu = 0;
+    __block uint64_t vmnet_max_packet_size = 0;
+    __block const char *vmnet_mac_address = NULL;
+    /*
+     * We can't refer to an array type directly within a block,
+     * so hold a pointer instead.
+     */
+    uuid_string_t vmnet_iface_uuid = {0};
+    __block uuid_string_t *vmnet_iface_uuid_ptr = &vmnet_iface_uuid;
+    /* These are only provided in VMNET_HOST_MODE and VMNET_SHARED_MODE */
+    bool vmnet_provides_dhcp_info = (
+        vmnet_opts->mode == VMNET_OPERATING_MODE_HOST ||
+        vmnet_opts->mode == VMNET_OPERATING_MODE_SHARED);
+    __block const char *vmnet_subnet_mask = NULL;
+    __block const char *vmnet_dhcp_range_start = NULL;
+    __block const char *vmnet_dhcp_range_end = NULL;
+    /* Create the vmnet interface */
+    dispatch_semaphore_t vmnet_iface_sem = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
+    interface_ref vmnet_iface_ref = vmnet_start_interface(
+        iface_desc,
+        vmnet_dispatch_queue,
+        ^(vmnet_return_t status, xpc_object_t  _Nullable interface_param) {
+        vmnet_start_status = status;
+        if (vmnet_start_status != VMNET_SUCCESS || !interface_param) {
+            /* Early return if the interface couldn't be started */
+            dispatch_semaphore_signal(vmnet_iface_sem);
+            return;
+        }
+        /*
+         * Read the configuration that vmnet provided us.
+         * The provided dictionary is owned by XPC and may be freed
+         * shortly after this block's execution.
+         * So, copy data buffers now.
+         */
+        vmnet_iface_mtu = xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(
+            interface_param,
+            vmnet_mtu_key
+        );
+        vmnet_max_packet_size = xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(
+            interface_param,
+            vmnet_max_packet_size_key
+        );
+        vmnet_mac_address = strdup(xpc_dictionary_get_string(
+            interface_param,
+            vmnet_mac_address_key
+        ));
+        const uint8_t *iface_uuid = xpc_dictionary_get_uuid(
+            interface_param,
+            vmnet_interface_id_key
+        );
+        uuid_unparse_upper(iface_uuid, *vmnet_iface_uuid_ptr);
+        /* If we're in a mode that provides DHCP info, read it out now */
+        if (vmnet_provides_dhcp_info) {
+            vmnet_dhcp_range_start = strdup(xpc_dictionary_get_string(
+                interface_param,
+                vmnet_start_address_key
+            ));
+            vmnet_dhcp_range_end = strdup(xpc_dictionary_get_string(
+                interface_param,
+                vmnet_end_address_key
+            ));
+            vmnet_subnet_mask = strdup(xpc_dictionary_get_string(
+                interface_param,
+                vmnet_subnet_mask_key
+            ));
+        }
+        dispatch_semaphore_signal(vmnet_iface_sem);
+    });
+    /* And block until we receive a response from vmnet */
+    dispatch_semaphore_wait(vmnet_iface_sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
+    /* Did we manage to start the interface? */
+    if (vmnet_start_status != VMNET_SUCCESS || !vmnet_iface_ref) {
+        error_printf("Failed to start interface: %s\n",
+            _vmnet_status_repr(vmnet_start_status));
+        if (vmnet_start_status == VMNET_FAILURE) {
+            error_printf("Hint: vmnet requires running with root access\n");
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
+    info_report("Started vmnet interface with configuration:");
+    info_report("MTU:              %llu", vmnet_iface_mtu);
+    info_report("Max packet size:  %llu", vmnet_max_packet_size);
+    info_report("MAC:              %s", vmnet_mac_address);
+    if (vmnet_provides_dhcp_info) {
+        info_report("DHCP IPv4 start:  %s", vmnet_dhcp_range_start);
+        info_report("DHCP IPv4 end:    %s", vmnet_dhcp_range_end);
+        info_report("IPv4 subnet mask: %s", vmnet_subnet_mask);
+    }
+    info_report("UUID:             %s", vmnet_iface_uuid);
+    /* The interface is up! Set a block to run when packets are received */
+    vmnet_client_state->vmnet_iface_ref = vmnet_iface_ref;
+    vmnet_return_t event_cb_stat = vmnet_interface_set_event_callback(
+        vmnet_iface_ref,
+        vmnet_dispatch_queue,
+        ^(interface_event_t event_mask, xpc_object_t  _Nonnull event) {
+        if (event_mask != VMNET_INTERFACE_PACKETS_AVAILABLE) {
+            error_printf("Unknown vmnet interface event 0x%08x\n", event_mask);
+            return;
+        }
+        /* If we're unable to handle more packets now, drop this packet */
+        if (!vmnet_client_state->qemu_ready_to_receive) {
+            return;
+        }
+        /*
+         * TODO(Phillip Tennen <>): There may be more than
+         * one packet available.
+         * As an optimization, we could read
+         * vmnet_estimated_packets_available_key packets now.
+         */
+        char *packet_buf = g_malloc0(vmnet_max_packet_size);
+        struct iovec *iov = g_new0(struct iovec, 1);
+        iov->iov_base = packet_buf;
+        iov->iov_len = vmnet_max_packet_size;
+        int pktcnt = 1;
+        struct vmpktdesc *v = g_new0(struct vmpktdesc, pktcnt);
+        v->vm_pkt_size = vmnet_max_packet_size;
+        v->vm_pkt_iov = iov;
+        v->vm_pkt_iovcnt = 1;
+        v->vm_flags = 0;
+        vmnet_return_t result = vmnet_read(vmnet_iface_ref, v, &pktcnt);
+        if (result != VMNET_SUCCESS) {
+            error_printf("Failed to read packet from host: %s\n",
+                _vmnet_status_repr(result));
+        }
+        /* Ensure we read exactly one packet */
+        assert(pktcnt == 1);
+        /* Dispatch this block to a global queue instead of the main queue,
+         * which is only created when the program has a Cocoa event loop.
+         * If QEMU is started with -nographic, no Cocoa event loop will be 
+         * created and thus the main queue will be unavailable.
+         */
+        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 
+                                                 0), 
+                       ^{
+            qemu_mutex_lock_iothread();
+            /*
+             * Deliver the packet to the guest
+             * If the delivery succeeded synchronously, this returns the length
+             * of the sent packet.
+             */
+            if (qemu_send_packet_async(nc, iov->iov_base,
+                                       v->vm_pkt_size,
+                                       vmnet_send_completed) == 0) {
+                vmnet_client_state->qemu_ready_to_receive = false;
+            }
+            /*
+             * It's safe to free the packet buffers.
+             * Even if delivery needs to wait, qemu_net_queue_append copies
+             * the packet buffer.
+             */
+            g_free(v);
+            g_free(iov);
+            g_free(packet_buf);
+            qemu_mutex_unlock_iothread();
+        });
+    });
+    /* Did we manage to set an event callback? */
+    if (event_cb_stat != VMNET_SUCCESS) {
+        error_printf("Failed to set up a callback to receive packets: %s\n",
+            _vmnet_status_repr(vmnet_start_status));
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    /* We're now ready to receive packets */
+    vmnet_client_state->qemu_ready_to_receive = true;
+    vmnet_client_state->link_up = true;
+    /* Include DHCP info if we're in a relevant mode */
+    if (vmnet_provides_dhcp_info) {
+        snprintf(nc->info_str, sizeof(nc->info_str),
+                 "dhcp_start=%s,dhcp_end=%s,mask=%s",
+                 vmnet_dhcp_range_start, vmnet_dhcp_range_end,
+                 vmnet_subnet_mask);
+    } else {
+        snprintf(nc->info_str, sizeof(nc->info_str),
+                 "mac=%s", vmnet_mac_address);
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/qapi/net.json b/qapi/net.json
index c31748c87f..e4d4143243 100644
--- a/qapi/net.json
+++ b/qapi/net.json
@@ -450,6 +450,115 @@
     '*vhostdev':     'str',
     '*queues':       'int' } }
+# @VmnetOperatingMode:
+# The operating modes in which a vmnet netdev can run
+# Only available on macOS
+# @host: the guest may communicate with the host 
+#        and other guest network interfaces
+# @shared: the guest may reach the Internet through a NAT, 
+#          and may communicate with the host and other guest 
+#          network interfaces
+# @bridged: the guest's traffic is bridged with a 
+#           physical network interface of the host
+# Since: 6.0
+{ 'enum': 'VmnetOperatingMode',
+  'data': [ 'host', 'shared', 'bridged' ],
+  'if': 'defined(CONFIG_DARWIN)' }
+# @NetdevVmnetModeOptionsBridged:
+# Options for the vmnet-macos netdev
+# that are only available in 'bridged' mode
+# Only available on macOS
+# @ifname: the physical network interface to bridge with 
+#          (defaults to en0 if not specified)
+# Since: 6.0
+{ 'struct': 'NetdevVmnetModeOptionsBridged',
+  'data': { '*ifname':  'str' },
+  'if': 'defined(CONFIG_DARWIN)' }
+# @NetdevVmnetModeOptionsHostOrShared:
+# Options for the vmnet-macos netdev
+# that are only available in 'host' or 'shared' mode
+# Only available on macOS
+# @dhcp-start-address: the gateway address to use for the interface. 
+#                      The range to dhcp_end_address is placed in the DHCP 
+#                      (only valid with mode=host|shared)
+#                      (must be specified with dhcp-end-address and 
+#                       dhcp-subnet-mask)
+#                      (allocated automatically if unset)
+# @dhcp-end-address: the DHCP IPv4 range end address to use for the interface. 
+#                      (only valid with mode=host|shared)
+#                      (must be specified with dhcp-start-address and 
+#                       dhcp-subnet-mask)
+#                      (allocated automatically if unset)
+# @dhcp-subnet-mask: the IPv4 subnet mask (string) to use on the interface.
+#                    (only valid with mode=host|shared)
+#                    (must be specified with dhcp-start-address and 
+#                     dhcp-end-address)
+#                    (allocated automatically if unset)
+# Since: 6.0
+{ 'struct': 'NetdevVmnetModeOptionsHostOrShared',
+  'data': { 
+    '*dhcp-start-address': 'str' ,
+    '*dhcp-end-address':   'str',
+    '*dhcp-subnet-mask':   'str' },
+  'if': 'defined(CONFIG_DARWIN)' }
+# @NetdevVmnetModeOptions:
+# Options specific to different operating modes of a vmnet netdev
+# Only available on macOS
+# @mode: the operating mode vmnet should run in
+# Since: 6.0
+{ 'union': 'NetdevVmnetModeOptions',
+  'base': { 'mode': 'VmnetOperatingMode' },
+  'discriminator': 'mode',
+  'data': {
+    'bridged':      'NetdevVmnetModeOptionsBridged',
+    'host':         'NetdevVmnetModeOptionsHostOrShared',
+    'shared':       'NetdevVmnetModeOptionsHostOrShared' },
+  'if': 'defined(CONFIG_DARWIN)' }
+# @NetdevVmnetOptions:
+# vmnet network backend
+# Only available on macOS
+# @options: a structure specifying the mode and mode-specific options
+#           (once QAPI supports a union type as a branch to another union type,
+#            this structure can be changed to a union, and the contents of
+#            NetdevVmnetModeOptions moved here)
+# Since: 6.0
+{ 'struct': 'NetdevVmnetOptions',
+  'data': {'options': 'NetdevVmnetModeOptions' },
+  'if': 'defined(CONFIG_DARWIN)' }
 # @NetClientDriver:
@@ -458,10 +567,13 @@
 # Since: 2.7
 #        @vhost-vdpa since 5.1
+#        @vmnet-macos since 6.0 (only available on macOS)
 { 'enum': 'NetClientDriver',
   'data': [ 'none', 'nic', 'user', 'tap', 'l2tpv3', 'socket', 'vde',
-            'bridge', 'hubport', 'netmap', 'vhost-user', 'vhost-vdpa' ] }
+            'bridge', 'hubport', 'netmap', 'vhost-user', 'vhost-vdpa',
+            { 'name': 'vmnet-macos', 'if': 'defined(CONFIG_DARWIN)' } ] }
 # @Netdev:
@@ -475,6 +587,8 @@
 # Since: 1.2
 #        'l2tpv3' - since 2.1
+#        'vmnet-macos' since 6.0 (only available on macOS)
 { 'union': 'Netdev',
   'base': { 'id': 'str', 'type': 'NetClientDriver' },
@@ -490,7 +604,9 @@
     'hubport':  'NetdevHubPortOptions',
     'netmap':   'NetdevNetmapOptions',
     'vhost-user': 'NetdevVhostUserOptions',
-    'vhost-vdpa': 'NetdevVhostVDPAOptions' } }
+    'vhost-vdpa': 'NetdevVhostVDPAOptions',
+    'vmnet-macos': { 'type': 'NetdevVmnetOptions', 
+                     'if': 'defined(CONFIG_DARWIN)' } } }
 # @NetFilterDirection:
diff --git a/qemu-options.hx b/qemu-options.hx
index 9172d51659..ec6b40b079 100644
--- a/qemu-options.hx
+++ b/qemu-options.hx
@@ -2483,6 +2483,15 @@ DEF("netdev", HAS_ARG, QEMU_OPTION_netdev,
 #ifdef __linux__
     "-netdev vhost-vdpa,id=str,vhostdev=/path/to/dev\n"
     "                configure a vhost-vdpa network,Establish a vhost-vdpa 
+    "-netdev vmnet-macos,id=str,mode=bridged[,ifname=ifname]\n"
+    "         configure a macOS-provided vmnet network in \"physical interface 
bridge\" mode\n"
+    "         the physical interface to bridge with defaults to en0 if 
+    "-netdev vmnet-macos,id=str,mode=host|shared\n"
+    "                     
+    "         configure a macOS-provided vmnet network in \"host\" or 
\"shared\" mode\n"
+    "         the DHCP configuration will be set automatically if 
     "-netdev hubport,id=str,hubid=n[,netdev=nd]\n"
     "                configure a hub port on the hub with ID 'n'\n", 
2.24.3 (Apple Git-128)

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