Reviewed-by: Darren Kenny <>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Bulekov <>
 tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c | 86 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 86 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c b/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c
index fb8bf4a112..f739937827 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c
@@ -804,6 +804,91 @@ static void generic_pre_fuzz(QTestState *s)
+ * When libfuzzer gives us two inputs to combine, return a new input with the
+ * following structure:
+ *
+ * Input 1 (data1)
+ * Clear out the DMA Patterns
+ * Disable the pci_read/write instructions
+ * Input 2 (data2)
+ *
+ * The idea is to collate the core behaviors of the two inputs.
+ * For example:
+ * Input 1: maps a device's BARs, sets up three DMA patterns, and triggers
+ *          device functionality A
+ * Input 2: maps a device's BARs, sets up one DMA pattern, and triggers device
+ *          functionality B
+ *
+ * This function attempts to produce an input that:
+ * Ouptut: maps a device's BARs, set up three DMA patterns, triggers
+ *          functionality A device, replaces the DMA patterns with a single
+ *          patten, and triggers device functionality B.
+ */
+static size_t generic_fuzz_crossover(const uint8_t *data1, size_t size1, const
+                                     uint8_t *data2, size_t size2, uint8_t 
+                                     size_t max_out_size, unsigned int seed)
+    size_t copy_len = 0, size = 0;
+    /* Check that we have enough space for data1 and at least part of data2 */
+    if (max_out_size <= size1 + strlen(SEPARATOR) * 3 + 2) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /* Copy_Len in the first input */
+    copy_len = size1;
+    memcpy(out + size, data1, copy_len);
+    size += copy_len;
+    max_out_size -= copy_len;
+    /* Append a separator */
+    copy_len = strlen(SEPARATOR);
+    memcpy(out + size, SEPARATOR, copy_len);
+    size += copy_len;
+    max_out_size -= copy_len;
+    /* Clear out the DMA Patterns */
+    copy_len = 1;
+    if (copy_len) {
+        out[size] = OP_CLEAR_DMA_PATTERNS;
+    }
+    size += copy_len;
+    max_out_size -= copy_len;
+    /* Append a separator */
+    copy_len = strlen(SEPARATOR);
+    memcpy(out + size, SEPARATOR, copy_len);
+    size += copy_len;
+    max_out_size -= copy_len;
+    /* Disable PCI ops. Assume data1 took care of setting up PCI */
+    copy_len = 1;
+    if (copy_len) {
+        out[size] = OP_DISABLE_PCI;
+    }
+    size += copy_len;
+    max_out_size -= copy_len;
+    /* Append a separator */
+    copy_len = strlen(SEPARATOR);
+    memcpy(out + size, SEPARATOR, copy_len);
+    size += copy_len;
+    max_out_size -= copy_len;
+    /* Copy_Len over the second input */
+    copy_len = MIN(size2, max_out_size);
+    memcpy(out + size, data2, copy_len);
+    size += copy_len;
+    max_out_size -= copy_len;
+    return  size;
 static GString *generic_fuzz_cmdline(FuzzTarget *t)
     GString *cmd_line = g_string_new(TARGET_NAME);
@@ -824,6 +909,7 @@ static void register_generic_fuzz_targets(void)
             .get_init_cmdline = generic_fuzz_cmdline,
             .pre_fuzz = generic_pre_fuzz,
             .fuzz = generic_fuzz,
+            .crossover = generic_fuzz_crossover

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