Added brief descriptions of the new device properties that are
now available to users to configure features of Zoned Namespace
Command Set in the emulator.

This patch is for documentation only, no functionality change.

Signed-off-by: Dmitry Fomichev <>
 hw/block/nvme.c | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/block/nvme.c b/hw/block/nvme.c
index fbf27a5098..3b9ea326d7 100644
--- a/hw/block/nvme.c
+++ b/hw/block/nvme.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- * Reference Specs:, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0e
+ * Reference Specs:, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0e
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
  *              max_ioqpairs=<N[optional]>, \
  *              aerl=<N[optional]>, aer_max_queued=<N[optional]>, \
  *              mdts=<N[optional]>
- *      -device nvme-ns,drive=<drive_id>,bus=bus_name,nsid=<nsid>
+ *      -device nvme-ns,drive=<drive_id>,bus=<bus_name>,nsid=<nsid>, \
+ *              zoned=<true|false[optional]>
  * Note cmb_size_mb denotes size of CMB in MB. CMB is assumed to be at
  * offset 0 in BAR2 and supports only WDS, RDS and SQS for now.
@@ -49,6 +50,42 @@
  *   completion when there are no oustanding AERs. When the maximum number of
  *   enqueued events are reached, subsequent events will be dropped.
+ * Setting `zoned` to true selects Zoned Command Set at the namespace.
+ * In this case, the following options are available to configure zoned
+ * operation:
+ *     zone_size=<zone size in bytes, default: 128MiB>
+ *         The number may be followed by K, M, G as in kilo-, mega- or giga.
+ *
+ *     zone_capacity=<zone capacity in bytes, default: zone_size>
+ *         The value 0 (default) forces zone capacity to be the same as zone
+ *         size. The value of this property may not exceed zone size.
+ *
+ *     zone_descr_ext_size=<zone descriptor extension size, default 0>
+ *         This value needs to be specified in 64B units. If it is zero,
+ *         namespace(s) will not support zone descriptor extensions.
+ *
+ *     max_active=<Maximum Active Resources (zones), default: 0 - no limit>
+ *
+ *     max_open=<Maximum Open Resources (zones), default: 0 - no limit>
+ *
+ *     zone_append_size_limit=<zone append size limit in bytes, default: 
+ *         The maximum I/O size that can be supported by Zone Append
+ *         command. Since internally this this value is maintained as
+ *         ZASL = log2(<maximum append size> / <page size>), some
+ *         values assigned to this property may be rounded down and
+ *         result in a lower maximum ZA data size being in effect.
+ *         By setting this property to 0, user can make ZASL to be
+ *         equial to MDTS.
+ *
+ *     offline_zones=<the number of offline zones to inject, default: 0>
+ *
+ *     rdonly_zones=<the number of read-only zones to inject, default: 0>
+ *
+ *     cross_zone_read=<enables Read Across Zone Boundaries, default: true>
+ *
+ *     fill_pattern=<data fill pattern, default: 0x00>
+ *         The byte pattern to return for any portions of unwritten data
+ *         during read.
 #include "qemu/osdep.h"

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