
> > > +static const uint8_t qemu_wacom_hid_report_descriptor[] = {
> > > +     0x05, 0x01,
> > > +     0x09, 0x02,
> >
> > Where does this come from?  Created from scratch?  Copied from real
> No, there are dump of several descriptor on github. I will put in the
> commit message

A comment with a link would be good too.

> > wacom tablet?  Any chance this can get descriptive comments like the
> > other report descriptors (see dev-hid.c)?
> Yes, no problem. I will study a bit more. How was working before?

I suspect in the past the linux driver simply checked the device id and
went with that without fetching the report descriptor.

Also note qemu has a generic tablet (-device usb-tablet), so there are
probably very few users using the wacom emulation.  Possibly it is
broken for quite a while already but nobody noticed ...

take care,

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