On Saturday, July 25, 2020, Ahmed Karaman <ahmedkhaledkara...@gmail.com>

> On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 2:31 PM Aleksandar Markovic <
> aleksandar.qemu.de...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, Ahmed.
>> Yes, somewhat related to John's hints on these comments, it is customary
>> to have just a brief description before "Copyright" lines. This means one
>> sentence, or a short paragraph (3-4 sentences max). The lenghty syntax
>> commemt should be, in my opinion, moved after the license preamble, just
>> before the start of real Python code.
> Thanks Mr. John and Aleksandar for your feedback. I will update the script
> accordingly.
>> One question:
>> What is the behavior in case of the executable architecture and "target"
>> command line option mismatch (for example, one specifies m68k target, but
>> passes hppa executable? Would that be detected before bisect search, or the
>> bisect procedure will be applied even though such cases do not make sense?
> The script will exit with an error of something along the lines of
> "Invalid ELF image for this architecture".
> This is done before starting "bisect" and after the initial "configure"
> and "make".
This is good enough (the moment of detection). However, are all cleanups
done? Is temporary directory deleted?

The same questions for the scenario where the user specifies non-existant
commit ID as the start or the end commit.

Does the script work if user specifies a tag, instead of commit ID? I think
it should work. For example, can the user specify v3.1.0 as start commit,
and v4.2.0 as the end commit, in order to detect degradation/improvement
between QEMU 3.1 and QEMU 4.2? Please test if such scenario works. If it
works, I think you should insert "commit ID or tag ID" instead of "commit"
only in the commit massage and applicable code comments (including also the
user-visible help outputed on "-h").

Lastly, what happens if specified start and end commits are existant, but
in the wrong order (end is "before" start)?


>> Yours, Aleksandar
>>> +#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
>>> +#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
>>> +#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
>>> +#  (at your option) any later version.
>>> +#
>>> +#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>>> +#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>>> +#  GNU General Public License for more details.
>>> +#
>>> +#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
>>> +#  along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/
>>> >.
>>> +
>>> +import argparse
>>> +import multiprocessing
>>> +import tempfile
>>> +import os
>>> +import shutil
>>> +import subprocess
>>> +import sys
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +############################ GIT WRAPPERS ############################
>>> +def git_bisect(qemu_path, command, args=None):
>>> +    """
>>> +    Wrapper function for running git bisect.
>>> +
>>> +    Parameters:
>>> +    qemu_path (str): QEMU path.
>>> +    command (str):   bisect command (start|fast|slow|reset).
>>> +    args (list):     Optional arguments.
>>> +
>>> +    Returns:
>>> +    (str):           git bisect stdout.
>>> +    """
>>> +    process = ["git", "bisect", command]
>>> +    if args:
>>> +        process += args
>>> +    bisect = subprocess.run(process,
>>> +                            cwd=qemu_path,
>>> +                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
>>> +                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> +    if bisect.returncode:
>>> +        sys.exit(bisect.stderr.decode("utf-8"))
>>> +    return bisect.stdout.decode("utf-8")
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def git_checkout(commit, qemu_path):
>>> +    """
>>> +    Wrapper function for checking out a given git commit.
>>> +
>>> +    Parameters:
>>> +    commit (str):    Commit hash of a git commit.
>>> +    qemu_path (str): QEMU path.
>>> +    """
>>> +    checkout_commit = subprocess.run(["git",
>>> +                                      "checkout",
>>> +                                      commit],
>>> +                                     cwd=qemu_path,
>>> +                                     stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
>>> +                                     stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> +    if checkout_commit.returncode:
>>> +        sys.exit(checkout_commit.stderr.decode("utf-8"))
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def git_clone(qemu_path):
>>> +    """
>>> +    Wrapper function for cloning QEMU git repo from GitHub.
>>> +
>>> +    Parameters:
>>> +    qemu_path (str): Path to clone the QEMU repo to.
>>> +    """
>>> +    clone_qemu = subprocess.run(["git",
>>> +                                 "clone",
>>> +                                 "https://github.com/qemu/qemu.git";,
>>> +                                 qemu_path],
>>> +                                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
>>> +    if clone_qemu.returncode:
>>> +        sys.exit("Failed to clone QEMU!")
>>> +######################################################################
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def check_requirements(tool):
>>> +    """
>>> +    Verify that all script requirements are installed (perf|callgrind &
>>> git).
>>> +
>>> +    Parameters:
>>> +    tool (str): Tool used for the measurement (perf or callgrind).
>>> +    """
>>> +    if tool == "perf":
>>> +        check_perf_installation = subprocess.run(["which", "perf"],
>>> +
>>>  stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
>>> +        if check_perf_installation.returncode:
>>> +            sys.exit("Please install perf before running the script.")
>>> +
>>> +        # Insure user has previllage to run perf
>>> +        check_perf_executability = subprocess.run(["perf", "stat",
>>> "ls", "/"],
>>> +
>>> stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
>>> +
>>> stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
>>> +        if check_perf_executability.returncode:
>>> +            sys.exit("""
>>> +        Error:
>>> +        You may not have permission to collect stats.
>>> +        Consider tweaking /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid,
>>> +        which controls use of the performance events system by
>>> +        unprivileged users (without CAP_SYS_ADMIN).
>>> +        -1: Allow use of (almost) all events by all users
>>> +            Ignore mlock limit after perf_event_mlock_kb without
>>> +        0: Disallow ftrace function tracepoint by users without
>>> +            Disallow raw tracepoint access by users without
>>> +        1: Disallow CPU event access by users without CAP_SYS_ADMIN
>>> +        2: Disallow kernel profiling by users without CAP_SYS_ADMIN
>>> +        To make this setting permanent, edit /etc/sysctl.conf too, e.g.:
>>> +        kernel.perf_event_paranoid = -1
>>> +
>>> +        *Alternatively, you can run this script under sudo privileges.
>>> +        """)
>>> +    elif tool == "callgrind":
>>> +        check_valgrind_installation = subprocess.run(["which",
>>> "valgrind"],
>>> +
>>>  stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
>>> +        if check_valgrind_installation.returncode:
>>> +            sys.exit("Please install valgrind before running the
>>> script.")
>>> +
>>> +    # Insure that git is installed
>>> +    check_git_installation = subprocess.run(["which", "git"],
>>> +                                            stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
>>> +    if check_git_installation.returncode:
>>> +        sys.exit("Please install git before running the script.")
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def make(qemu_build_path):
>>> +    """
>>> +    Build QEMU by running the Makefile.
>>> +
>>> +    Parameters:
>>> +    qemu_build_path (str): Path to the build directory with
>>> configuration files.
>>> +    """
>>> +    run_make = subprocess.run(["make",
>>> +                               "-j",
>>> +                               str(multiprocessing.cpu_count())],
>>> +                              cwd=qemu_build_path,
>>> +                              stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
>>> +                              stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> +    if run_make.returncode:
>>> +        sys.exit(run_make.stderr.decode("utf-8"))
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def measure_instructions(tool, qemu_exe_path, command):
>>> +    """
>>> +    Measure the number of instructions when running an program with
>>> QEMU.
>>> +
>>> +    Parameters:
>>> +    tool (str):          Tool used for the measurement (perf|callgrind).
>>> +    qemu_exe_path (str): Path to the QEMU executable of the equivalent
>>> target.
>>> +    command (list):      Program path and arguments.
>>> +
>>> +    Returns:
>>> +    (int):               Number of instructions.
>>> +    """
>>> +    if tool == "perf":
>>> +        run_perf = subprocess.run((["perf",
>>> +                                    "stat",
>>> +                                    "-x",
>>> +                                    " ",
>>> +                                    "-e",
>>> +                                    "instructions",
>>> +                                    qemu_exe_path]
>>> +                                   + command),
>>> +                                  stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
>>> +                                  stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> +        if run_perf.returncode:
>>> +            sys.exit(run_perf.stderr.decode("utf-8"))
>>> +        else:
>>> +            perf_output = run_perf.stderr.decode("utf-8").split(" ")
>>> +            return int(perf_output[0])
>>> +
>>> +    elif tool == "callgrind":
>>> +        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile:
>>> +            run_callgrind = subprocess.run((["valgrind",
>>> +                                             "--tool=callgrind",
>>> +                                             "--callgrind-out-file={}".
>>> format(
>>> +                                                 tmpfile.name),
>>> +                                             qemu_exe_path]
>>> +                                            + command),
>>> +                                           stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
>>> +                                           stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> +        if run_callgrind.returncode:
>>> +            sys.exit(run_callgrind.stderr.decode("utf-8"))
>>> +        else:
>>> +            callgrind_output = run_callgrind.stderr.decode("
>>> utf-8").split("\n")
>>> +            return int(callgrind_output[8].split(" ")[-1])
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def main():
>>> +    # Parse the command line arguments
>>> +    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
>>> +        usage="bisect.py [-h] -s,--start START [-e,--end END]
>>> [-q,--qemu QEMU] "
>>> +        "--target TARGET --tool {perf,callgrind} -- "
>>> +        "<target executable> [<target executable options>]")
>>> +
>>> +    parser.add_argument("-s", "--start", dest="start", type=str,
>>> required=True,
>>> +                        help="First commit hash in the search range")
>>> +    parser.add_argument("-e", "--end", dest="end", type=str,
>>> default="master",
>>> +                        help="Last commit hash in the search range")
>>> +    parser.add_argument("-q", "--qemu", dest="qemu", type=str,
>>> default="",
>>> +                        help="QEMU path")
>>> +    parser.add_argument("--target", dest="target", type=str,
>>> required=True,
>>> +                        help="QEMU target")
>>> +    parser.add_argument("--tool", dest="tool", choices=["perf",
>>> "callgrind"],
>>> +                        required=True, help="Tool used for
>>> measurements")
>>> +
>>> +    parser.add_argument("command", type=str, nargs="+",
>>> help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
>>> +
>>> +    args = parser.parse_args()
>>> +
>>> +    # Extract the needed variables from the args
>>> +    start_commit = args.start
>>> +    end_commit = args.end
>>> +    qemu = args.qemu
>>> +    target = args.target
>>> +    tool = args.tool
>>> +    command = args.command
>>> +
>>> +    # Set QEMU path
>>> +    if qemu == "":
>>> +        # Create a temp directory for cloning QEMU
>>> +        tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
>>> +        qemu_path = os.path.join(tmpdir.name, "qemu")
>>> +
>>> +        # Clone QEMU into the temporary directory
>>> +        print("Fetching QEMU: ", end="", flush=True)
>>> +        git_clone(qemu_path)
>>> +        print()
>>> +    else:
>>> +        qemu_path = qemu
>>> +
>>> +    # Create the build directory
>>> +    qemu_build_path = os.path.join(qemu_path, "tmp-build-gcc")
>>> +    if not os.path.exists(qemu_build_path):
>>> +        os.mkdir(qemu_build_path)
>>> +    else:
>>> +        sys.exit("A build directory with the same name (tmp-build-gcc)
>>> used in "
>>> +                 "the script is already in the provided QEMU path.")
>>> +
>>> +    qemu_exe_path = os.path.join(qemu_build_path,
>>> +                                 "{}-linux-user".format(target),
>>> +                                 "qemu-{}".format(target))
>>> +
>>> +    # Configure QEMU
>>> +    configure = subprocess.run(["../configure",
>>> +                                "--target-list={}-linux-user".
>>> format(target)],
>>> +                               cwd=qemu_build_path,
>>> +                               stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
>>> +                               stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> +    if configure.returncode:
>>> +        sys.exit(configure.stderr.decode("utf-8"))
>>> +
>>> +    # Do performance measurements for the start commit
>>> +    git_checkout(start_commit, qemu_path)
>>> +    make(qemu_build_path)
>>> +    start_commit_instructions = measure_instructions(tool,
>>> +                                                     qemu_exe_path,
>>> +                                                     command)
>>> +    print("{:<30} {}".format("Start Commit Instructions:",
>>> +                             format(start_commit_instructions, ",")))
>>> +
>>> +    # Do performance measurements for the end commit
>>> +    git_checkout(end_commit, qemu_path)
>>> +    make(qemu_build_path)
>>> +    end_commit_instructions = measure_instructions(tool,
>>> +                                                   qemu_exe_path,
>>> +                                                   command)
>>> +    print("{:<30} {}".format("End Commit Instructions:",
>>> +                             format(end_commit_instructions, ",")))
>>> +
>>> +    # Calculate performance difference between start and end commits
>>> +    performance_difference = \
>>> +        (start_commit_instructions - end_commit_instructions) / \
>>> +        max(end_commit_instructions, start_commit_instructions) * 100
>>> +    performance_change = "+" if performance_difference > 0 else "-"
>>> +    print("{:<30} {}".format("Performance Change:",
>>> +                             performance_change +
>>> +                             str(round(abs(performance_difference),
>>> 3))+"%"))
>>> +
>>> +    # Set the custom terms used for progressing in "git bisect"
>>> +    term_old = "fast" if performance_difference < 0 else "slow"
>>> +    term_new = "slow" if term_old == "fast" else "fast"
>>> +
>>> +    # Start git bisect
>>> +    git_bisect(qemu_path, "start", [
>>> +               "--term-old", term_old, "--term-new", term_new])
>>> +    # Set start commit state
>>> +    git_bisect(qemu_path, term_old, [start_commit])
>>> +    # Set end commit state
>>> +    bisect_output = git_bisect(qemu_path, term_new, [end_commit])
>>> +    # Print estimated bisect steps
>>> +    print("\n{:<30} {}\n".format(
>>> +        "Estimated Number of Steps:", bisect_output.split()[9]))
>>> +
>>> +    # Initialize bisect_count to track the number of performed
>>> +    bisect_count = 1
>>> +
>>> +    while True:
>>> +        print("**************BISECT STEP {}**************".format(
>>> bisect_count))
>>> +
>>> +        make(qemu_build_path)
>>> +
>>> +        instructions = measure_instructions(tool, qemu_exe_path,
>>> command)
>>> +        # Find the difference between the current instructions and
>>> start/end
>>> +        # instructions.
>>> +        diff_end = abs(instructions - end_commit_instructions)
>>> +        diff_start = abs(instructions - start_commit_instructions)
>>> +
>>> +        # If current number of insructions is closer to that of start,
>>> +        # set current commit as term_old.
>>> +        # Else, set current commit as term_new.
>>> +        if diff_end > diff_start:
>>> +            bisect_command = term_old
>>> +        else:
>>> +            bisect_command = term_new
>>> +
>>> +        print("{:<20} {}".format("Instructions:", format(instructions,
>>> ",")))
>>> +        print("{:<20} {}".format("Status:", "{}
>>> commit".format(bisect_command)))
>>> +
>>> +        bisect_output = git_bisect(qemu_path, bisect_command)
>>> +
>>> +        # Continue if still bisecting,
>>> +        # else, print result and break.
>>> +        if not bisect_output.split(" ")[0] == "Bisecting:":
>>> +            print("\n*****************BISECT RESULT*****************")
>>> +            commit_message_start = bisect_output.find("commit\n") + 7
>>> +            commit_message_end = bisect_output.find(":040000") - 1
>>> +            print(bisect_output[commit_message_start:commit_message_
>>> end])
>>> +            break
>>> +
>>> +        bisect_count += 1
>>> +
>>> +    # Reset git bisect
>>> +    git_bisect(qemu_path, "reset")
>>> +
>>> +    # Delete temp build directory
>>> +    shutil.rmtree(qemu_build_path)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +if __name__ == "__main__":
>>> +    main()
>>> --
>>> 2.17.1

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