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Title: Qemu after v5.0.0 breaks macos guests Status in QEMU: New Bug description: The Debian Sid 5.0-6 qemu-kvm package can no longer get further than the Clover bootloader whereas 5.0-6 and earlier worked fine. So I built qemu master from github and it has the same problem, whereas git tag v5.0.0 (or 4.2.1) does not, so something between v5.0.0 release and the last few days has caused the problem. Here's my qemu script, pretty standard macOS-Simple-KVM setup on a Xeon host: qemu-system-x86_64 \ -enable-kvm \ -m 4G \ -machine q35,accel=kvm \ -smp 4,sockets=1,cores=2,threads=2 \ -cpu Penryn,vendor=GenuineIntel,kvm=on,+sse3,+sse4.2,+aes,+xsave,+avx,+xsaveopt,+xsavec,+xgetbv1,+avx2,+bmi2,+smep,+bmi1,+fma,+movbe,+invtsc \ -device isa-applesmc,osk="ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc" \ -smbios type=2 \ -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file="/tmp/OVMF_CODE.fd" \ -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file="/tmp/macos_catalina_VARS.fd" \ -vga qxl \ -device ich9-ahci,id=sata \ -drive id=ESP,if=none,format=raw,file=/tmp/ESP.img \ -device ide-hd,bus=sata.2,drive=ESP \ -drive id=InstallMedia,format=raw,if=none,file=/tmp/BaseSystem.img \ -device ide-hd,bus=sata.3,drive=InstallMedia \ -drive id=SystemDisk,if=none,format=raw,file=/tmp/macos_catalina.img \ -device ide-hd,bus=sata.4,drive=SystemDisk \ -usb -device usb-kbd -device usb-mouse Perhaps something has changed in Penryn support recently, as that's required for macos? See also Also on a related note, kernel 5.6/5.7 (on Debian) hard crashes the host when I try GPU passthrough on macos, whereas Ubuntu20/Win10 work fine - as does 5.5 kernel. See also To manage notifications about this bug go to: