On 07/26/2011 04:02 PM, Anthony Liguori wrote:
Also because there is no hierarchy, composition in host devices can be
done very easily. A decorator for char/block devices, such as a "tee"
device, can treat the wrapped object(s) the same independent of the
actual class. A simple vtable works very well. GObject would also do
well, unifying the introspection at the cost of significantly more
The polymorphism model of QOM is identical to GObject so I'm not sure
what you mean here.
GObject instead of QOM (just so that we have something that is already
In the case of tee, it's just an object with two sockets.
Yes, understood.
I have PCI patches, but didn't post them in the series. Here's how it
The PCI host controller, the i440fx, has 32 sockets of PCIDevice.
PCIDevice is a base class.
And as such it can add data members. But when a device is on two buses,
you cannot have both of them adding data members. I know MI is hard to
get right, and in fact I'm not proposing to do MI---not even interface
inheritance. I don't want to have any base class but DeviceState.
The PCI host controller implements a PCIBus interface. The PCIDevices
have a socket of a PCIBus
Connecting a PCIDevice to the host bus involves setting the socket on
the PCI host controller with the PCIDevice and then setting the
PCIDevice's bus socket with the host controller.
A PCIDevice can also be a PCIBus by implementing the PCIBus interface.
This is what enables a PCI bridge to make sense in this model.
If you're interested, the tree that has this is
Yes, this is pretty much what I had imagined. But it does not scale to
a topology where you have two parents, both of which want to add data
1) in a flexible manner, so that it can express complex topologies (as
long as "plugs" and "sockets" have the same shape of course);
Right, this is what we do today in QOM. Plugs and Sockets are typed.
Those types can be interfaces or base classes so there's a lot of
Interfaces (is-a) are less flexible than embedded objects (has-a).
There are no properties of the socket.
If you look at something like adding a PCI device in qdev, you add a
child and set properties of the child to identify how the device sits on
the PCI bus.
I'd characterize this as awkward, at best. The slot index is not a
property of the device, it's a property of how the device is connected
to the PCI bus.
Yes, for a PCI address I agree. But in a (parallel) SCSI bus, the LUN
is logically a property of the device. Same as IDE when you used to set
jumpers to choose master/slave. Or ISA interrupt lines.
Once you have something like this for a device that bridges two buses,
interfaces require a lot of boilerplate for useless getters/setters.
i440fx->slots[3] = mydevice
Likewise, if slot 4 contains a PCI-to-PCI bridge that ends up being bus
1, and you want to assign to bus 1, slot 2, fn 0:
i440fx->slots[4]->slots[2] = myotherdevice;
Now you may observe that this is awkward compared to saying "bus 1".
No, I have no problem with that. :)
The same applies equally to IDE.
ide->primary.master = disk1;
ide->secondary.master = cdrom;
For IDE, an equally good model would be:
disk1.masterSlave = MASTER;
cdrom.masterSlave = MASTER;
5) convert buses to compound properties. Rather than inheriting from
PCIDevice, a PCI device would inherit straight from DeviceState and
include a PCIDevice struct that defines the backlink from a device to
its parent. Note that since we're using C, this is not a big change from
what we're doing now! (Inheritance by containment is a special case of
containment.) And it allows to define very flexibly a device that would
have to sit on two or more buses in the current qdev model. More
importantly, it keeps the effectiveness of the qbus ops model, while
removing the constraint of a tree topology.
Interfaces are the right way to do this. Getting MI right is fairly hard
But we don't need is-a, we need has-a. Multiple is-a is harder than
single is-a. Multiple has-a does not add any complication.
I think all of the requirements you've outlined are currently handled in
They more than likely are. The question is whether they're handled in
the most programmer-efficient manner, and whether the advantages of a
single grand unified object model for host and guest devices is worth
the effort.