On 6/22/20 7:31 AM, Alex Bennée wrote:
>          if kvm_available(vmcls.arch):
>              return multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2
> +        elif os.uname().machine == "x86_64" and \
> +             vmcls.arch in ["aarch64", "x86_64", "i386"]:
> +            # MTTCG is available on these arches and we can allow more cores.
> +            # But only up to a reasonable limit. User can always override
> +            # these limits with --jobs.
> +            return min(multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2, 8)
>          else:

And if multiprocessing.cpu_count() == 1?
Seems like we should add max(count, 1) as well.


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