/* +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bits | Name | Description | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 32 | FE | Floating-point exception summary. Every floating-point instruction, except mtfsfi and mtfsf, implicitly sets FX | | | | if that instruction causes any of the floating-point exception bits in the FPSCR to change from 0 to 1. mcrfs, | | | | mtfsfi, mtfsf, mtfsb0, and mtfsb1 can alter FPSCR[FX] explicitly. | | | | Note: (Programming) FPSCR[FX] is defined not to be altered implicitly by mtfsfi and mtfsf because | | | | permitting these instructions to alter FPSCR[FX] implicitly could cause a paradox. An example is an | | | | mtfsfi or mtfsf that supplies 0 for FPSCR[FX] and 1 for FPSCR[OX] and executes when FPSCR[OX] = 0. | | | | See also the programming notes with the definition of these two instructions. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 33 | FEX | Floating-point enabled exception summary. FEX is the OR of all the floating-point exception bits masked by | | | | their respective enable bits. mcrfs, mtfsfi, mtfsf, mtfsb0, and mtfsb1 cannot alter FPSCR[FEX] explicitly. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 34 | VX | Floating-point invalid operation exception summary. VX is the OR of all the invalid operation exception bits. | | | | mcrfs, mtfsfi, mtfsf, mtfsb0, and mtfsb1 cannot alter FPSCR[VX] explicitly. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 35 | OX | Floating-point overflow exception. See Section, “Overflow Exception.” | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 36 | UX | Floating-point underflow exception. See Section, “Underflow Exception.” | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 37 | ZX | Floating-Point zero divide exception. See Section, “Zero Divide Exception.” | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 38 | XX | Floating-point inexact exception. See Section, “Inexact Exception.” | | | | FPSCR[XX] is a sticky version of FPSCR[FI] (see below). Thus the following rules completely describe how | | | | FPSCR[XX] is set by a given instruction: | | | | • If the instruction affects FPSCR[FI], the new FPSCR[XX] value is obtained by ORing the old value of | | | | FPSCR[XX] with the new value of FPSCR[FI]. | | | | • If the instruction does not affect FPSCR[FI], the value of FPSCR[XX] is unchanged | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 39 | VXSNAN | Floating-point invalid operation exception (SNAN). See Section, “Invalid Operation Exception.” | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 40 | VXISI | floating-point invalid operation exception (∞ − ∞). See Section, “Invalid Operation Exception.”. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 41 | VXIDI | Floating-point invalid operation exception ( ∞ ÷ ∞).See Section, “Invalid Operation Exception.”. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 42 | VXZDZ | Floating-point invalid operation exception (0 ÷ 0) See Section, “Invalid Operation Exception.”. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 43 | VXIMZ | Floating-point invalid operation exception (∞ ×0). See Section, “Invalid Operation Exception.”. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 44 | VXVC | Floating-point invalid operation exception (invalid compare). See Section, “Invalid Operation Exception.”. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 45 | FR | Floating-point fraction rounded. The last arithmetic or rounding and conversion instruction incremented the | | | | fraction during rounding. See Section, “Rounding.” This bit is not sticky. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 46 | FI | Floating-point fraction inexact. The last arithmetic or rounding and conversion instruction either produced an | | | | inexact result during rounding or caused a disabled overflow exception. See Section, “Rounding.” FI is | | | | not sticky. See the definition of FPSCR[XX], above, regarding the relationship between FI and XX. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 47-51 | FPRF | Floating-point result flags. Arithmetic, rounding, and convert from integer instructions set FPRF based on the | | | | result placed into the target register and on the target precision, except that if any portion of the result is | | | | undefined, the value placed into FPRF is undefined. Floating-point compare instructions set FPRF based on | | | | the relative values of the operands compared. For convert to integer instructions, the value placed into FPRF | | | | is undefined. See Table 4-9. | | | | Note: (Programming) A single-precision operation that produces a denormalized result sets FPRF to indicate | | | | a denormalized number. When possible, single-precision denormalized numbers are represented in | | | | normalized double format in the target register. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 47 | C | Floating-point result class descriptor. Arithmetic, rounding, and conversion instructions may set this bit with | | | | the FPCC bits, to indicate the class of the result as shown in Figure 4-9. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 48-51 | FPCC | Floating-point condition code. Floating-point Compare instructions set one of the FPCC bits and clear the | | | | other three FPCC bits. Arithmetic, rounding, and conversion instructions may set the FPCC bits with the C bit | | | | to indicate the class of the result. In this case, the three high-order FPCC bits retain their relational | | | | significance indicating that the value is less than, greater than, or equal to zero. | | | | 48 Floating-point less than or negative (FL or <) | | | | 49 Floating-point greater than or positive (FG or >) | | | | 50 Floating-point equal or zero (FE or =) | | | | 51 Floating-point unordered or NaN (FU or ?) | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 52 | — | Reserved, should be cleared. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 53 | VXSOFT | Floating-point invalid operation exception (software request). Can be altered only by mcrfs, mtfsfi, mtfsf, | | | | mtfsb0, or mtfsb1 | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 54 | VXSQRT | Floating-point invalid operation exception (invalid square root). | | | | Note that VXSQRT is defined even for implementations that do not support either of the two optional | | | | instructions that set it, fsqrt[.] and frsqrte[.]. Defining it for all implementations gives software a standard | | | | interface for handling square root exceptions. If an implementation does not support fsqrt[.] or frsqrte[.], | | | | software can simulate the instruction and set VXSQRT to reflect the exception. | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 55 | VXCVI | Floating-point invalid operation exception (invalid integer convert) | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 56 | VE | Floating-point invalid operation exception enable | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 57 | OE | Floating-point overflow exception enable | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 58 | UE | Floating-point underflow exception enable | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 59 | ZE | Floating-point zero divide exception enable | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 60 | XE | Floating-point inexact exception enable | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 61 | NI | Floating-point non-IEEE mode. If NI = 1, the remaining FPSCR bits may have meanings other than those given | | | | in this document and results of floating-point operations need not conform to IEEE 754. If the | | | | IEEE-754-conforming result of a floating-point operation would be a denormalized number, the result of that | | | | operation is 0 (with the same sign as the denormalized number) if FPSCR[NI] = 1 and other requirements | | | | specified in the user’s manual for the implementation are met. The other effects of setting NI may differ among | | | | implementations. | | | | Setting NI is intended to permit results to be approximate and to cause performance to be more predictable | | | | and less data-dependent than when NI = 0. For example, in non-IEEE mode, an implementation returns 0 | | | | instead of a denormalized number and may return a large number instead of an infinity. In non-IEEE mode an | | | | implementation should provide a means for ensuring that all results are produced without software assistance | | | | (that is, without causing an enabled exception type program interrupt or a floating-point unimplemented | | | | instruction exception type program interrupt and without invoking an emulation assist). The means may be | | | | controlled by one or more other FPSCR bits (recall that the other FPSCR bits have implementation-dependent | | | | meanings if NI = 1). | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 62-63 | RN | Floating-point rounding control (RN). | | | | 00 Round to nearest | | | | 01 Round toward zero | | | | 10 Round toward +infinity | | | | 11 Round toward –infinity | +-------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
static int ieee_ex_to_ppc(int fexcp) { int ret = 0; /* Question? TODO: How to handling Invalid Operation Exception. */ if (fexcp & float_flag_invalid) { ret |= VX; } if (fexcp & float_flag_overflow) { ret |= FP_OX; } if (fexcp & float_flag_underflow) { ret |= FP_UX; } if (fexcp & float_flag_divbyzero) { ret |= FP_ZX; } if (fexcp & float_flag_inexact) { ret |= FP_XX; ret |= FP_FI; } return ret; } void helper_update_fpscr(CPUPPCState *env, int op, uintptr_t retaddr) { int tmp = get_float_exception_flags(&env->fp_status); if (tmp) { tmp = ieee_ex_to_ppc(tmp); set_float_exception_flags(0, &env->fp_status); if (tmp) { env->fpscr |= tmp; if (fp_exceptions_enabled(env) && (env->fpscr & FP_FEX)) { if (env->fpscr & FP_VE) { raise_exception_err_ra(env, POWERPC_EXCP_PROGRAM, POWERPC_EXCP_FP | op, retaddr); } } } } } I found the fpscr are really complicated, especially abount Invalid Operation Exception. And fp_status can not represent all the Invalid Operation Exception flags. What I need to do to represent all the Invalid Operation Exception -- 此致 礼 罗勇刚 Yours sincerely, Yonggang Luo