On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 2:08 PM Jose Martins <josemartin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Your change just made it true for whenever virtulisation is enabled
> > (in which case we don't need it).
> This is exactly my point. As I said in the commit message, the spec
> clearly tells us that "Interrupts for higher-privilege modes, y>x, are
> always globally enabled regardless of the setting of the global yIE
> bit for the higher-privilege mode.". HS is clearly a higher-privilege
> mode than either VS or VU. So, if virtualization is enabled, HS level

I'm not sure HS is a higher privilege mode.

HS is privilege encoding 1, which is the same as VS (VU is obviously lower).


> interrupts must be considered enabled independently of the state of
> the actual sie bit in mstatus_hs.

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