Am 14.04.2020 um 12:54 hat Paolo Bonzini geschrieben:
> On 14/04/20 12:27, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
> > Ignoring back compat, what would be our ideal CLI syntax ?
> > 
> > Current syntax is
> > 
> >   -chardev socket,id=charnet1,path=/tmp/vhost1.sock
> >   -netdev vhost-user,chardev=charnet1,id=hostnet1 
> > 
> > Should we have an option that expresses a "SocketAddress" struct on the
> > CLI ?
> > 
> >    -socket type=unix,path=/tmp/vhost1.sock,id=sock0
> >    -netdev vhost-user,socket=sock0,id=hostnet1
> I think this should be just a "-object socket" that under the covers
> creates a QIOChannel.  There are also ideas of switching "-chardev" to
> "-object"; we could do the reverse of Marc-André's suggestion, and have
> "chardev=" take both a "chardev-foo" object or a QIOChannel object
> (converting the latter to a socket-based chardev).

Is this just an attempt to avoid nesting on the command line? Because I
don't see much use in socket objects that need to be managed separately
and require separate object-add/del commands.

While dotted syntax can make SocketAddress specifications a bit lengthy,
the obvious syntax is:

-netdev vhost-user,socket.type=unix,socket.path=/tmp/vhost1.sock,id=hostnet1

Assuming that this would be a QAPIfied -netdev, JSON is a readily
available alternative syntax.


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