On 3/19/20 8:33 PM, Peter Maydell wrote:
Add support for running the Coverity Scan tools inside a Docker
container rather than directly on the host system.

Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <peter.mayd...@linaro.org>
  * various bug fixes
  * added --src-tarball rather than putting the whole source
    tree in the 'secrets' directory
  * docker file package list updated
  scripts/coverity-scan/coverity-scan.docker | 131 +++++++++++++++++++++
  scripts/coverity-scan/run-coverity-scan    |  90 ++++++++++++++
  2 files changed, 221 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 scripts/coverity-scan/coverity-scan.docker

diff --git a/scripts/coverity-scan/coverity-scan.docker 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a4f64d12834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/coverity-scan/coverity-scan.docker
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.0.0-experimental
+# Docker setup for running the "Coverity Scan" tools over the source
+# tree and uploading them to the website, as per
+# https://scan.coverity.com/projects/qemu/builds/new
+# We do this on a fixed config (currently Fedora 30 with a known
+# set of dependencies and a configure command that enables a specific
+# set of options) so that random changes don't result in our accidentally
+# dropping some files from the scan.
+# We don't build on top of the fedora.docker file because we don't
+# want to accidentally change or break the scan config when that
+# is updated.
+# The work of actually doing the build is handled by the
+# run-coverity-scan script.
+FROM fedora:30
+    alsa-lib-devel \
+    bc \
+    bison \
+    brlapi-devel \
+    bzip2 \
+    bzip2-devel \
+    ccache \
+    clang \
+    curl \
+    cyrus-sasl-devel \
+    dbus-daemon \
+    device-mapper-multipath-devel \
+    findutils \
+    flex \
+    gcc \
+    gcc-c++ \
+    gettext \
+    git \
+    glib2-devel \
+    glusterfs-api-devel \
+    gnutls-devel \
+    gtk3-devel \
+    hostname \
+    libaio-devel \
+    libasan \
+    libattr-devel \
+    libblockdev-mpath-devel \
+    libcap-devel \
+    libcap-ng-devel \
+    libcurl-devel \
+    libepoxy-devel \
+    libfdt-devel \
+    libgbm-devel \
+    libiscsi-devel \
+    libjpeg-devel \
+    libpmem-devel \
+    libnfs-devel \
+    libpng-devel \
+    librbd-devel \
+    libseccomp-devel \
+    libssh-devel \
+    libubsan \
+    libudev-devel \
+    libusbx-devel \
+    libxml2-devel \
+    libzstd-devel \
+    llvm \
+    lzo-devel \
+    make \
+    mingw32-bzip2 \
+    mingw32-curl \
+    mingw32-glib2 \
+    mingw32-gmp \
+    mingw32-gnutls \
+    mingw32-gtk3 \
+    mingw32-libjpeg-turbo \
+    mingw32-libpng \
+    mingw32-libtasn1 \
+    mingw32-nettle \
+    mingw32-nsis \
+    mingw32-pixman \
+    mingw32-pkg-config \
+    mingw32-SDL2 \
+    mingw64-bzip2 \
+    mingw64-curl \
+    mingw64-glib2 \
+    mingw64-gmp \
+    mingw64-gnutls \
+    mingw64-gtk3 \
+    mingw64-libjpeg-turbo \
+    mingw64-libpng \
+    mingw64-libtasn1 \
+    mingw64-nettle \
+    mingw64-pixman \
+    mingw64-pkg-config \
+    mingw64-SDL2 \
+    ncurses-devel \
+    nettle-devel \
+    nss-devel \
+    numactl-devel \
+    perl \
+    perl-Test-Harness \
+    pixman-devel \
+    pulseaudio-libs-devel \
+    python3 \
+    python3-sphinx \
+    PyYAML \
+    rdma-core-devel \
+    SDL2-devel \
+    snappy-devel \
+    sparse \
+    spice-server-devel \
+    systemd-devel \
+    systemtap-sdt-devel \
+    tar \
+    texinfo \
+    usbredir-devel \
+    virglrenderer-devel \
+    vte291-devel \
+    wget \
+    which \
+    xen-devel \
+    xfsprogs-devel \
+    zlib-devel
+ENV QEMU_CONFIGURE_OPTS --python=/usr/bin/python3
+RUN dnf install -y $PACKAGES
+RUN rpm -q $PACKAGES | sort > /packages.txt
+ENV PATH $PATH:/usr/libexec/python3-sphinx/
+ENV COVERITY_TOOL_BASE=/coverity-tools
+COPY run-coverity-scan run-coverity-scan
+RUN --mount=type=secret,id=coverity.token,required ./run-coverity-scan 
--update-tools-only --tokenfile /run/secrets/coverity.token
diff --git a/scripts/coverity-scan/run-coverity-scan 
index d40b51969fa..2e067ef5cfc 100755
--- a/scripts/coverity-scan/run-coverity-scan
+++ b/scripts/coverity-scan/run-coverity-scan
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
# Command line options:
  #   --dry-run : run the tools, but don't actually do the upload
+#   --docker : create and work inside a docker container
  #   --update-tools-only : update the cached copy of the tools, but don't run 
  #   --tokenfile : file to read Coverity token from
  #   --version ver : specify version being analyzed (default: ask git)
@@ -36,6 +37,8 @@
  #   --srcdir : QEMU source tree to analyze (default: current working dir)
  #   --results-tarball : path to copy the results tarball to (default: don't
  #                       copy it anywhere, just upload it)
+#   --src-tarball : tarball to untar into src dir (default: none); this
+#                   is intended mainly for internal use by the Docker support
  # User-specifiable environment variables:
  #  COVERITY_TOKEN -- Coverity token
@@ -125,6 +128,7 @@ update_coverity_tools () {
  # Check user-provided environment variables and arguments
while [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; do
      case "$1" in
@@ -181,6 +185,19 @@ while [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; do
+        --src-tarball)
+            shift
+            if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+                echo "--src-tarball needs an argument"
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            SRCTARBALL="$1"
+            shift
+            ;;
+        --docker)
+            DOCKER=yes
+            shift
+            ;;
              echo "Unexpected argument '$1'"
              exit 1
@@ -212,6 +229,10 @@ PROJTOKEN="$COVERITY_TOKEN"
+if [ "$UPDATE_ONLY" = yes ] && [ "$DOCKER" = yes ]; then
+    echo "Combining --docker and --update-only is not supported"
+    exit 1
if [ "$UPDATE_ONLY" = yes ]; then
      # Just do the tools update; we don't need to check whether
@@ -221,8 +242,17 @@ if [ "$UPDATE_ONLY" = yes ]; then
      exit 0
+if [ ! -e "$SRCDIR" ]; then
+    mkdir "$SRCDIR"
  cd "$SRCDIR"
+if [ ! -z "$SRCTARBALL" ]; then
+    echo "Untarring source tarball into $SRCDIR..."
+    tar xvf "$SRCTARBALL"
  echo "Checking this is a QEMU source tree..."
  if ! [ -e "$SRCDIR/VERSION" ]; then
      echo "Not in a QEMU source tree?"
@@ -242,6 +272,66 @@ if [ -z "$COVERITY_EMAIL" ]; then
      COVERITY_EMAIL="$(git config user.email)"
+# Run ourselves inside docker if that's what the user wants
+if [ "$DOCKER" = yes ]; then
+    # build docker container including the coverity-scan tools
+    # Put the Coverity token into a temporary file that only
+    # we have read access to, and then pass it to docker build
+    # using --secret. This requires at least Docker 18.09.
+    # Mostly what we are trying to do here is ensure we don't leak
+    # the token into the Docker image.
+    umask 077
+    SECRETDIR=$(mktemp -d)
+    if [ -z "$SECRETDIR" ]; then
+        echo "Failed to create temporary directory"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    trap 'rm -rf "$SECRETDIR"' INT TERM EXIT
+    echo "Created temporary directory $SECRETDIR"
+    SECRET="$SECRETDIR/token"
+    echo "$COVERITY_TOKEN" > "$SECRET"
+    echo "Building docker container..."
+    # TODO: This re-downloads the tools every time, rather than
+    # caching and reusing the image produced with the downloaded tools.
+    # Not sure why.

I remember something similar when using -f and COPY.

My guess is using -f somefile instead of a directory, then COPY from outside of the directory, the cache is invalidated (or not used). If the file copied and the Dockerfile are in the same directory, it works (for me).

+    # TODO: how do you get 'docker build' to print the output of the
+    # commands it is running to its stdout? This would be useful for debug.

Maybe '--progress plain'?

+    DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t coverity-scanner \
+                   --secret id=coverity.token,src="$SECRET" \
+                   -f scripts/coverity-scan/coverity-scan.docker \
+                   scripts/coverity-scan
+    echo "Archiving sources to be analyzed..."
+    ./scripts/archive-source.sh "$SECRETDIR/qemu-sources.tgz"
+    if [ "$DRYRUN" = yes ]; then
+        DRYRUNARG=--dry-run
+    fi
+    echo "Running scanner..."
+    # If we need to capture the output tarball, get the inner run to
+    # save it to the secrets directory so we can copy it out before the
+    # directory is cleaned up.
+    if [ ! -z "$RESULTSTARBALL" ]; then
+        RTARGS="--results-tarball /work/cov-int.tar.xz"
+    else
+        RTARGS=""
+    fi
+    # Arrange for this docker run to get access to the sources with -v.
+    # We pass through all the configuration from the outer script to the inner.
+    docker run -it --env COVERITY_EMAIL --env COVERITY_BUILD_CMD \
+           -v "$SECRETDIR:/work" coverity-scanner \
+           ./run-coverity-scan --version "$VERSION" \
+           --description "$DESCRIPTION" $DRYRUNARG --tokenfile /work/token \
+           --srcdir /qemu --src-tarball /work/qemu-sources.tgz $RTARGS
+    if [ ! -z "$RESULTSTARBALL" ]; then
+        echo "Copying results tarball to $RESULTSTARBALL..."
+        cp "$SECRETDIR/cov-int.tar.xz" "$RESULTSTARBALL"
+    fi
+    echo "Docker work complete."
+    exit 0
+# Otherwise, continue with the full build and upload process.

Reviewed-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <phi...@redhat.com>

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