On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 01:07:06PM +0800, Coiby Xu wrote:
> v4:
>  * add object properties in class_init
>  * relocate vhost-user-blk-test
>  * other changes including using SocketAddress, coding style, etc.
Thanks!  I think the vhost-user server code can be simplified if
libvhost-user uses the event loop for asynchronous socket I/O.  Then
it's no longer necessary to duplicate vu_message_read() and
vu_kick_cb().  I've replied to Patch 1 and we can discuss on IRC if you
want to chat about it.

I've also CCed Marc-André to see what he thinks about removing the
blocking recv from libvhost-user and instead using the event loop (just
like for eventfds).


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