On Fri, 7 Feb 2020 at 19:34, Cleber Rosa <cr...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Also, the build and make steps worked fine without `--disable-gnutls`.
> I was trying to not carry over any "exception" type of arguments,
> unless they proved to be necessary.  Maybe Peter can give some more
> info about this (should it be kept or not)?

A lot of those config options are random historical accident:
I probably added in the configure option to work around something
years back and then never bothered to undo it. I agree that if we
don't need to pass that option to run on whatever OS the CI
job is running on we shouldn't keep it.

More generally, I don't think we should worry much about
exactly replicating the fine detail of the various configurations I
currently run on x86. If we basically cover:
 * a debug build
 * a non-debug build
 * a linux-user --static build
 * a clang build with the sanitizers enabled [+]
 * windows crossbuilds
 * a --disable-tcg build
 * an --enable-tci-interpreter build
 * and at least one of the above is done as an "incremental"
   build and one as a "make clean and then build"
then that's the same coverage we have today.

[+] my scripts do this by hand by passing a lot of extra cflags,
but IIRC configure now supports a simple 'enable sanitizers'
option of some kind, which would be OK too

-- PMM

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