From: Christian Schoenebeck <>

The first readdir test simply checks the amount of directory
entries returned by 9pfs server, according to the created amount
of virtual files on 9pfs synth driver side. Then the subsequent
readdir test also checks whether all directory entries have the
expected file names (as created on 9pfs synth driver side),
ignoring their precise order in result list though.

Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <>
Reviewed-by: Greg Kurz <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kurz <>
 tests/qtest/virtio-9p-test.c | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 152 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/qtest/virtio-9p-test.c b/tests/qtest/virtio-9p-test.c
index 06263edb53f9..2167322985ec 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/virtio-9p-test.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/virtio-9p-test.c
@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@ static void v9fs_memread(P9Req *req, void *addr, size_t len)
     req->r_off += len;
+static void v9fs_uint8_read(P9Req *req, uint8_t *val)
+    v9fs_memread(req, val, 1);
 static void v9fs_uint16_write(P9Req *req, uint16_t val)
     uint16_t le_val = cpu_to_le16(val);
@@ -101,6 +106,12 @@ static void v9fs_uint32_read(P9Req *req, uint32_t *val)
+static void v9fs_uint64_read(P9Req *req, uint64_t *val)
+    v9fs_memread(req, val, 8);
+    le64_to_cpus(val);
 /* len[2] string[len] */
 static uint16_t v9fs_string_size(const char *string)
@@ -191,6 +202,7 @@ static const char *rmessage_name(uint8_t id)
         id == P9_RLOPEN ? "RLOPEN" :
         id == P9_RWRITE ? "RWRITE" :
         id == P9_RFLUSH ? "RFLUSH" :
+        id == P9_RREADDIR ? "READDIR" :
@@ -348,6 +360,82 @@ static void v9fs_rwalk(P9Req *req, uint16_t *nwqid, 
v9fs_qid **wqid)
+/* size[4] Treaddir tag[2] fid[4] offset[8] count[4] */
+static P9Req *v9fs_treaddir(QVirtio9P *v9p, uint32_t fid, uint64_t offset,
+                            uint32_t count, uint16_t tag)
+    P9Req *req;
+    req = v9fs_req_init(v9p, 4 + 8 + 4, P9_TREADDIR, tag);
+    v9fs_uint32_write(req, fid);
+    v9fs_uint64_write(req, offset);
+    v9fs_uint32_write(req, count);
+    v9fs_req_send(req);
+    return req;
+struct V9fsDirent {
+    v9fs_qid qid;
+    uint64_t offset;
+    uint8_t type;
+    char *name;
+    struct V9fsDirent *next;
+/* size[4] Rreaddir tag[2] count[4] data[count] */
+static void v9fs_rreaddir(P9Req *req, uint32_t *count, uint32_t *nentries,
+                          struct V9fsDirent **entries)
+    uint32_t local_count;
+    struct V9fsDirent *e = NULL;
+    uint16_t slen;
+    uint32_t n = 0;
+    v9fs_req_recv(req, P9_RREADDIR);
+    v9fs_uint32_read(req, &local_count);
+    if (count) {
+        *count = local_count;
+    }
+    for (int32_t togo = (int32_t)local_count;
+         togo >= 13 + 8 + 1 + 2;
+         togo -= 13 + 8 + 1 + 2 + slen, ++n)
+    {
+        if (!e) {
+            e = g_malloc(sizeof(struct V9fsDirent));
+            if (entries) {
+                *entries = e;
+            }
+        } else {
+            e = e->next = g_malloc(sizeof(struct V9fsDirent));
+        }
+        e->next = NULL;
+        /* qid[13] offset[8] type[1] name[s] */
+        v9fs_memread(req, &e->qid, 13);
+        v9fs_uint64_read(req, &e->offset);
+        v9fs_uint8_read(req, &e->type);
+        v9fs_string_read(req, &slen, &e->name);
+    }
+    if (nentries) {
+        *nentries = n;
+    }
+    v9fs_req_free(req);
+static void v9fs_free_dirents(struct V9fsDirent *e)
+    struct V9fsDirent *next = NULL;
+    for (; e; e = next) {
+        next = e->next;
+        g_free(e->name);
+        g_free(e);
+    }
 /* size[4] Tlopen tag[2] fid[4] flags[4] */
 static P9Req *v9fs_tlopen(QVirtio9P *v9p, uint32_t fid, uint32_t flags,
                           uint16_t tag)
@@ -480,6 +568,69 @@ static void fs_walk(void *obj, void *data, QGuestAllocator 
+static bool fs_dirents_contain_name(struct V9fsDirent *e, const char* name)
+    for (; e; e = e->next) {
+        if (!strcmp(e->name, name)) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+static void fs_readdir(void *obj, void *data, QGuestAllocator *t_alloc)
+    QVirtio9P *v9p = obj;
+    alloc = t_alloc;
+    char *const wnames[] = { g_strdup(QTEST_V9FS_SYNTH_READDIR_DIR) };
+    uint16_t nqid;
+    v9fs_qid qid;
+    uint32_t count, nentries;
+    struct V9fsDirent *entries = NULL;
+    P9Req *req;
+    fs_attach(v9p, NULL, t_alloc);
+    req = v9fs_twalk(v9p, 0, 1, 1, wnames, 0);
+    v9fs_req_wait_for_reply(req, NULL);
+    v9fs_rwalk(req, &nqid, NULL);
+    g_assert_cmpint(nqid, ==, 1);
+    req = v9fs_tlopen(v9p, 1, O_DIRECTORY, 0);
+    v9fs_req_wait_for_reply(req, NULL);
+    v9fs_rlopen(req, &qid, NULL);
+    /*
+     * submit count = msize - 11, because 11 is the header size of Rreaddir
+     */
+    req = v9fs_treaddir(v9p, 1, 0, P9_MAX_SIZE - 11, 0);
+    v9fs_req_wait_for_reply(req, NULL);
+    v9fs_rreaddir(req, &count, &nentries, &entries);
+    /*
+     * Assuming msize (P9_MAX_SIZE) is large enough so we can retrieve all
+     * dir entries with only one readdir request.
+     */
+    g_assert_cmpint(
+        nentries, ==,
+        QTEST_V9FS_SYNTH_READDIR_NFILES + 2 /* "." and ".." */
+    );
+    /*
+     * Check all file names exist in returned entries, ignore their order
+     * though.
+     */
+    g_assert_cmpint(fs_dirents_contain_name(entries, "."), ==, true);
+    g_assert_cmpint(fs_dirents_contain_name(entries, ".."), ==, true);
+    for (int i = 0; i < QTEST_V9FS_SYNTH_READDIR_NFILES; ++i) {
+        char *name = g_strdup_printf(QTEST_V9FS_SYNTH_READDIR_FILE, i);
+        g_assert_cmpint(fs_dirents_contain_name(entries, name), ==, true);
+        g_free(name);
+    }
+    v9fs_free_dirents(entries);
+    g_free(wnames[0]);
 static void fs_walk_no_slash(void *obj, void *data, QGuestAllocator *t_alloc)
     QVirtio9P *v9p = obj;
@@ -658,6 +809,7 @@ static void register_virtio_9p_test(void)
     qos_add_test("fs/flush/ignored", "virtio-9p", fs_flush_ignored,
+    qos_add_test("fs/readdir/basic", "virtio-9p", fs_readdir, NULL);

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