Although I've never experienced it, due to not running Windows guests,
I've recently learned that a Windows guest permits a user (hopefully
only one with local admin privileges??!) to "hot-unplug" any PCI device.
I've also learned that some hypervisor admins don't want to permit
admins of the virtual machines they're managing to unplug PCI devices. I
believe this is impossible to prevent on an i440fx-based machinetype,
and can only be done on a q35-based machinetype by assigning the devices
to the root bus (so that they are seen as integrated devices) rather
than to a pcie-root-port. But when libvirt is assigning PCI addresses to
devices in a q35-base guest, it will *always* assign a PCIe device to a
pcie-root-port specifically so that hotplug is possible (this was done
to maintain functional parity with i440fx guests, where all PCI slots
support hotplug).
To make the above-mentioned admins happy, we need to make it possible to
(easily) create guest configurations for q35-based virtual machines
where the PCI devices can't be hot-unplugged by the guest OS.
Thinking in the context of a management platform (e.g. OpenStack or
ovirt) that goes through libvirt to use QEMU (and forgetting about
i440fx, concentrating only on q35), I can think of a few different ways
this could be done:
1) Rather than leaving the task of assignung the PCI addresses of
devices to libvirt (which is what essentially *all* management apps that
use libvirt currently do), the management application could itself
directly assign the PCI addressed of all devices to be slots on pcie.0.
This is problematic because once a management application has taken over
the PCI address assignment of a single device, it must learn the rules
of what type of device can be plugged into what type of PCI controller
(including plugging in new controllers when necessary), and keep track
of which slots on which PCI controllers are already in use - effectively
tossing that part of libvirt's functionality / embedded knowledge /
usefulness to management applications out the window. It's even more of
a problem for management applications that have no provision for
manually assigning PCI addresses - virt-manager for example only
supports this by using "XML mode" where the froopy point-click UI is
swapped out for an edit window where the user is simply presented with
the full XML for a device and allowed to tweak it around as they see fit
(including duplicate addresses, plugging the wrong kind of device into
the wrong slot, referencing non-existent controllers, etc). (NB: you
could argue that management could just take over PCI address assignment
in the case of wanting hotplug disabled, and only care about / support
pcie.0 (which makes the task much easier, since you just ignore the
existence of any other PCI controllers, leaving you with a homogenous
array of 32 slot x 8 functions, but becomes much more complicated if you
want to allow a mix of hotpluggable and non-hotpluggable devices, and
you *know* someone will)
2) libvirt could gain a knob "somewhere" in the domain XML to force a
single device, or all devices, to be assigned to a PCI address on pcie.0
rather than on a pcie-root-port. This could be thought of as a "hint"
about device placement, as well as extra validation in the case that a
PCI address has been manually assigned. So, for example, let's say a
"hotplug='disable'" option is added somewhere at the top level of the
domain (maybe "<hotplug enable='no'/>" inside <features> or something
like that); when PCI addresses are assigned by libvirt, it would attempt
to find a slot on a controller that didn't support hotplug. And/or a
similar knob could be added to each device. In both cases, the setting
would be used both when assigning PCI addresses and also to validate
user-provided PCI addresses to assure that the desired criterion was met
(otherwise someone would manually select a PCI address on a controller
that supported hotplug, but then set "hotplug='disabled'" and expect
hotplug to be magically disabled on the slot).
Some of you will remember that I proposed such a knob for libvirt a few
years ago when we were first fleshing out support for QEMU's PCI Express
controllers and the Q35 machinetype, and it was rejected as "libvirt
dictating policy". Of course at that time there weren't actual users
demanding the functionality, and now there are. Aside from that, all I
can say is that it isn't libvirt dictating this policy, it's the user of
libvirt, and libvirt is just following directions :-) (and that I really
really dislike the idea of a forced handover of the entire task of
assigning/managing device PCI addresses to management apps just because
they decide they want to disable guest-initiated hotplug
3) qemu could add a "hotpluggable=no" commandline option to all PCI
devices (including vfio-pci) and then do whatever is necessary to make
sure this is honored in the emulated hardware (is it possible to set
this on a per-slot basis in a PCI controller? Or must it be done for an
entire controller? I suppose it's not as much of an issue for
pcie-root-port, as long as you're not using multiple functions). libvirt
would then need to add this option to the XML for each device, and
management applications would need to set it - it would essentially look
the same to the management application, but it would be implemented
differently - instead of libvirt using that flag to make a choice about
which slot to assign, it would assign PCI addresses in the same manner
as before, and use the libvirt XML flag to set a QEMU commandline flag
for the device.
The upside of this is that we would be disabling hotplug by "disabling
hotplug" rather than by "assigning the device to a slot that
coincidentally doesn't support hotplug", making it all more orthogonal -
everything else in a guest's config could remain exactly the same while
enabling/disabling hotplug. (Another upside is that it could possibly be
made to work for i440fx machine types, but we're not supposed to care
about that any more, so I won't mention it :-)) The downside is that it
requires a new feature in QEMU (whose difficulty/feasibility I have 0
knowledge of), so there are 3 layers of work rather than 2.
So does anyone have any different (and hopefully better) idea of how to
do this? Arguments for/against the 3 possibilities I've listed here?
- Disabling PCI "hot-unplug" for a guest (and... Laine Stump