On Sat, 18 Jan 2020 at 22:41, BALATON Zoltan <bala...@eik.bme.hu> wrote:
> I'm getting errors about missing headers in qapi/* and build fails on
> current master.
> I've tried bisecting it which lead to commit 3e7fb5811b where I get:
>    CC      qapi/qapi-types-audio.o
> cc: error: qapi/qapi-types-audio.c: No such file or directory
> cc: fatal error: no input files

I haven't looked, but could you try the usual things to check:
 * does your tree have 'stale' files deleted by a commit
   (ie listed in 'git status' as now unknown to git) ?
 * did you try a reconfigure and build from clean?
   (ideally this should not be required, but it might help
   narrow down the issue)
 * could you test whether you see the issue also with an
   out-of-tree build?

-- PMM

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