On 11/18/19 11:42 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
Maybe nbd.$IMGFMT?
At first glance, it seems reasonable. But reading further,
elif [ "$IMGPROTO" = "ssh" ]; then
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ else
elif [ "$IMGPROTO" = "nbd" ]; then
- TEST_IMG="nbd:"
+ TEST_IMG="nbd+unix:///?socket=$SOCK_DIR/nbd"
Shouldn’t this be $IMGFMT, too (instead of nbd)? (Or maybe nbd.$IMGFMT)
If anything, I'm inclined to use $SOCK_DIR/nbd.raw to indicate that the
NBD client sees raw format, regardless of the format in use by the
server, to leave the door open for $SOCK_DIR/nbd.qcow2 when we finally
are happy to test qcow2 format over NBD.
Naming the socket $SOCK_DIR/nbd.raw means that filters tend to rename it
to $SOCK_DIR/nbd.IMGFMT before my attempt to rename everything to
TEST_DIR/t.IMGFMT. So I'm now leaning towards just naming the socket
$SOCK_DIR/nbd and leave it at that.
Or stick to just $SOCK_DIR/nbd hard-coded everywhere, and quit trying to
use $IMGFMT in the socket name, to make all the usage consistent.
Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. +1-919-301-3226
Virtualization: qemu.org | libvirt.org