"Zoltán Kővágó" <dirty.ice...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 2019-09-25 11:49, Markus Armbruster wrote:
>> "Zoltán Kővágó" <dirty.ice...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> On 2019-09-23 15:08, Markus Armbruster wrote:
>>>> "Kővágó, Zoltán" <dirty.ice...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>> This will allow us to disable mixeng when we use a decent backend.
>>>>> Disabling mixeng have a few advantages:
>>>>> * we no longer convert the audio output from one format to another, when
>>>>>     the underlying audio system would just convert it to a third format.
>>>>>     We no longer convert, only the underlying system, when needed.
>>>>> * the underlying system probably has better resampling and sample format
>>>>>     converting methods anyway...
>>>>> * we may support formats that the mixeng currently does not support (S24
>>>>>     or float samples, more than two channels)
>>>>> * when using an audio server (like pulseaudio) different sound card
>>>>>     outputs will show up as separate streams, even if we use only one
>>>>>     backend
>>>>> Disadvantages:
>>>>> * audio capturing no longer works (wavcapture, and vnc audio extension)
>>>>> * some backends only support a single playback stream or very picky
>>>>>     about the audio format.  In this case we can't disable mixeng.
>>>>> However mixeng is not removed, only made optional, so this shouldn't be
>>>>> a big concern.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Kővágó, Zoltán <dirty.ice...@gmail.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Notes:
>>>>>       Changes from v1:
>>>>>            * renamed mixeng to mixing-engine
>>>>>    qapi/audio.json | 5 +++++
>>>>>    qemu-options.hx | 6 ++++++
>>>>>    2 files changed, 11 insertions(+)
>>>>> diff --git a/qapi/audio.json b/qapi/audio.json
>>>>> index 9fefdf5186..0535eff794 100644
>>>>> --- a/qapi/audio.json
>>>>> +++ b/qapi/audio.json
>>>>> @@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
>>>>>    # General audio backend options that are used for both playback and
>>>>>    # recording.
>>>>>    #
>>>>> +# @mixing-engine: use QEMU's mixing engine to mix all streams inside 
>>>>> QEMU. When
>>>>> +#                 set to off, fixed-settings must be also off. Not every 
>>>>> backend
>>>>> +#                 compatible with the off setting (default on, since 4.2)
>>>>> +#
>>>> Last sentence no verb.
>>>> Which backends are compatible?
>>> Actually that's a simplification, it depends on a few things.  When
>>> mixeng is off, qemu will try to use the same format as the emulated
>>> sound card, and if the backend doesn't support that format, it won't
>>> work (no audio).  Also attaching multiple sound cards to the same
>>> audiodev might not work, if the backend doesn't support multiple
>>> playback streams.  If you use pulseaudio, it'll work without problems,
>>> if you use alsa, it depends on your device.  If you use a hw: device
>>> directly, you'll likely only be able to use one emulated sound card
>>> with a few selected audio formats.  If you use dmix: (and plug), alsa
>>> will handle the conversion and mixing, so it will work no matter what
>>> format the emulated sound card uses.  With OSS the situation is
>>> probably similar, it depends on the kernel/hw what works and what not.
>>> wav and spice certainly doesn't support multiple streams.  I'm not
>>> completely sure about the other backends right now, but I think dsound
>>> and coreaudio can handle the necessary sample format conversions and
>>> mixing.
>>>> What happens when you try the off setting with incompatible backends?
>>> See above.
>> What happens *exactly*?
>> I'm asking because I'm concerned about the user experience.  When a user
>> asks for a combination of things QEMU can't provide, such as mixeng off
>> with an incompatible backend, QEMU should fail with a suitable error
>> message.  Does it?
> Error handling is not the best in the audio subsystem, if something
> fails it generally just prints a warning to the console and continues,
> and something will happen...  For example, this is what happens when I
> try to open one hw device twice. I ran qemu with:
> -audiodev
> alsa,id=foo,in.dev=hw:1,,0,out.mixing-engine=off,out.dev=hw:1,,0
> -device piix4-usb-uhci -device usb-audio,audiodev=foo -device
> AC97,audiodev=foo
> When the guest tried to initialize the AC97 card, I got an error:
> alsa: Could not initialize DAC
> alsa: Failed to open `hw:1,0':
> alsa: Reason: Device or resource busy
> And it just continued. And the sound worked, but with wrong sample
> rate (AC97 wants 44100 Hz, but USB audio previously opened the alsa
> device with 48000 Hz).  I'll fix this bug in the next revision,
> audio_pcm_hw_add_* shouldn't fall back to other HWs without mixeng.
> But even with that, the result will be that one emulated sound card
> will work and the other won't.
> It's not ideal, but fixing it would require a lot of effort.  Right
> now, if you specify an invalid audiodev for alsa (even with mixeng),
> it'll just print an error to the console and continue without audio.

Should we document this general error handling deficiency somehow?

>> Sometimes rejecting non-working configurations is impractical.  Is it
>> here?
> I think it is.  It depends on the backend, its settings, the frontend
> (emulated sound card), and how the guest uses it.  We currently don't
> know what formats does a backend support, what formats can a frontend
> produce, and even if we would know that, just because a frontend can
> produce a format that the backend doesn't understand doesn't mean that
> it will actually do it.  For example, right now with this patch series
> applied, usb-audio can produce 7.1 audio.  If we want to be strict, it
> means we can only use it with backends that support at least 8
> channels, even if the user only wants to use stereo audio.
>> If yes, we should call out the problematic configurations in
>> documentation.
> I think we should rather list known working configurations, and leave
> the others as "try at your own risk" because there's too many things
> that can go wrong.  (pulseaudio will work, alsa with dmix too.  Need
> to check coreaudio, dsound and oss.  spice and wavcapture won't work.)

Far from ideal, but better than nothing.

Possibly naive idea: what about automatically falling back to mixeng on
when mixeng off doesn't work?  Requires detecting "doesn't work", which
I understand just isn't there.  Any other reasons why this couldn't be
done?  Way out of scope for this series, of course.

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