On Montag, 9. September 2019 16:25:12 CEST Jeff King wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 09, 2019 at 09:05:45AM -0500, Eric Blake wrote:
> > > But as you can already read from the manual, the overall behaviour of
> > > git
> > > regarding a separate "From:" line in the email body was intended solely
> > > for
> > > the use case sender != author. So in practice (at least in my git
> > > version) git always makes a raw string comparison between sender (name
> > > and email) string and author string and only adds the separate From:
> > > line to the body if they differ.
> > > 
> > > Hence also "git format-patch --from=" only works here if you use a
> > > different author string (name and email) there, otherwise on a perfect
> > > string match it is simply ignored and you end up with only one "From:"
> > > in the email header.> 
> > git folks:
> > 
> > How hard would it be to improve 'git format-patch'/'git send-email' to
> > have an option to ALWAYS output a From: line in the body, even when the
> > sender is the author, for the case of a mailing list that munges the
> > mail headers due to DMARC/DKIM reasons?
> It wouldn't be very hard to ask format-patch to just handle this
> unconditionally. Something like:
> diff --git a/pretty.c b/pretty.c
> index e4ed14effe..9cf79d7874 100644
> --- a/pretty.c
> +++ b/pretty.c
> @@ -451,7 +451,8 @@ void pp_user_info(struct pretty_print_context *pp,
>               map_user(pp->mailmap, &mailbuf, &maillen, &namebuf, &namelen);
>       if (cmit_fmt_is_mail(pp->fmt)) {
> -             if (pp->from_ident && ident_cmp(pp->from_ident, &ident)) {
> +             if (pp->always_use_in_body_from ||
> +                 (pp->from_ident && ident_cmp(pp->from_ident, &ident))) {
>                       struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
>                       strbuf_addstr(&buf, "From: ");
> but most of the work would be ferrying that option from the command line
> down to the pretty-print code.
> That would work in conjunction with "--from" to avoid a duplicate. It
> might require send-email learning about the option to avoid doing its
> own in-body-from management. If you only care about send-email, it might
> be easier to just add the option there.

Would it simplify the changes in git if that would be made a
"git config [--global]" setting only? That is, would that probably simplify 
that task to one simple function call there in pretty.c?

On the other hand, considering the already existing --from argument and 
"format.from" config option:

Wouldn't it make sense to just drop the currently existing sender != author 
string comparison in git and simply always add the "From:" line to the email's 
body if "format.from yes" is used, instead of introducing a suggested 2nd 
(e.g. "always-from") option? I mean sure automatically removing redundant 
information in the generated emails if sender == author sounds nice on first 
thought, but does it address anything useful in practice to justify 
introduction of a 2nd related option?

Best regards,
Christian Schoenebeck

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